Deaf USA for Kerry


New Member
May 9, 2004
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Deaf USA for Kerry website is a Deaf Community for John Kerry. It was established in May 04'. We can discuss and give good ideas (For example, we need affordable health insurance, better schools, good interpreters, multi-lateral approach to the war on terror, secure our borders, restore our credibility in the world and whatever concerns you may have.) Those ideas can be sent to John Kerry. :gossip: Deaf USA for Kerry website here
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Book List

Some interesting and enlightening books worth reading:

* John F. Kerry The Complete Biography - By The Boston Globe Reporters Who Know Him Best -By Michael Kranish
* John Kerry - A Call To Service, my vision for a better America - By John Kerry
* Tour Of Duty: John Kerry And The Vietnam War - By Douglas Brinkley
* Plan Of Attack - By Bob Woodward
* A Fist In The Hornet's Nest - on the ground, in Baghdad... - By Richard Engel
* Bush's War For Reelection - Iraq, the white house, and the people - By James Moore
* The Price Of Loyalty - By Ron Suskind
* Against All Enemies - By Richard A. Clark
* Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency Of George W. Bush - By John W. Dean
* House Of Bush, House Of Saud: The secret relationship between the two worlds most powerful dynasties - By Craig Unger

Documentary on DVD Video:

*The Fog Of War - (recounted by Robert McNamara) An Errol Morris Film
Academy Award Winner - 2003 Best Documentary Feature
Deaf Participation at Kerry Meetups

Deaf USA,

-We need a President who will create new jobs in America (not out-sourcing).
-We need a President who will provide affordable healthcare for "all" Americans (leave no one behind!).
-We need a President who is willing to work with the greater international community on the war on terror and to begin rebuilding our credibility in the world.
-Think about it, we are all a part of the international community; the "my-way or the highway" mentality is not a friendly invitation...Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld need a one-way ticket to the highway and we can give it to them at the polls in Novemeber!
-Billions of dollars of sweat-laden money from hardworking Americans leaves this country to fund a bogus war, drummed up by the Bush Admin., in a country that never had WMD's and was never linked to "911"!

We need a President who is eager to work with nations around the globe on the war on terror; and who is sensitive to the issues facing all Americans, including issues related to the deaf and minority groups.

Become involved by starting a deaf4kerry meetup in your local community. Meetups are a great way to connect with other Kerry supporters. They are held, nationally, on the 4th Thursday of each month. It's a perfect opportunity to come together to discuss issues, plan local actions and build networks of people who will ensure John Kerry's election. For more information and to register for a Kerry Meetup go to
National Deaf Kerry Meetups

If you are interested in participating, at the grassroots level, in getting Sen. Kerry elected President, then organizing a "Kerry Meetup" with friends and family is a good start. Visit Kerry's website and click onto "Kerry Meetup". You can join the meetups with your friends. You and your friends can vote on a venue to hold the monthly meetups. What is a "meetup"? It's a casual gathering of people who all have a common interest where ideas are shared. Where is a "meetup" held? At a coffee shop, pizzeria, etc., (generally, a public venue) Who hosts the meetup? Anyone interested in discussing the issues and encouraging open discussion among participants. At a Kerry Meetup materials are passed out which are provided, once you become a member of Kerry Meetup. The Kerry Meetups take place on the 4th Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM, nationwide. Let's become active participants in this year's election. Go Kerry! :gossip:
Thought I might help you with a few resources.
Two non-partisan political deaf sites are Deafvotenow and Deafocrats.
Theres a blog called Dean for Deaf America, you might want to contact the person behind it and see if he/she might be willing to work with you.

good luck!
I'm on the Kerry's disability committee in California and I work with Becky Ogle and this friday we shall have a blitzkreig of Kerry Buttons and bumperstickers with fingerspelling on them at a large deaf event.

And I dont care if Allen, my deaf republican counterpart, makes a stink over this marketing gimmick!

If anyone wants Kerry buttons and bumperstickers in fingerspelling email me and I'll have them sent to you.