Deaf Students to do National Anthem at Super Bowl!


New Member
Dec 19, 2007
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BREAKING NEWS: The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) and the National Football League (NFL) are pleased to announce that deaf students from the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind will perform the National Anthem at both the Pro Bowl and the Super Bowl this year in Miami Gardens, Florida. The NAD worked closely with the NFL to ensure that the Anthem would be signed by talented deaf persons at both bowl events.

Welcome to Florida School for the Deaf Alumni Association

This is totally awesome!
No, it's not. Why? During my experience as I watch Super Bowl, there is no video look at person doing the sign language to sing. Trust me, you won't see it anyway.

NO POINT! Damnit.
I am quite suprise at the lack of support for these two students, that have this opportunity to do this!!

I was wondering the same. I looked for it on Youtube.. No go either.

Yeah, sounds foreboding, doesn't it? Makes me wonder about this Sunday. My best guess is.....if this gets screwed up, is to check deafread first thing Monday, lol.
I don't normally watch any football, but I may watch on Sunday as my son is beginning to show and interest. Maybe I'll get to see it. Other than that, I'm looking forward to the commercials.
NAD said more commercials will be CC this year. Hmph. Want to see students sign.
We will have deaf to do National Anthem at Super Bowl this year. Dunno who is...
I hope for camera point on that person!
Even if there are no coverage, it's still cool for those students to have that experience. :)
Deaf at Super Bowl

I HOPE they are there and are on camera for all to see. I don't really watch football...I feel like one of the major problems in this country is sports are valued more then education...I won't ramble on about all the wrong messages that are picked up by the kids and even the kids watching the dads and moms jump and scream for someone they don't even know, but who can't find the time to sit with those same children and encourage them to read and
grow . I know my view is probably not popular..sorry. I just think well you know...Peace to you all! smile..M♥♥♥
There has been an ASL version of the national anthem at the superbowl every year since 1992

Could you post a Youtube video of someone who does the Anthem in ASL with flair and fluency? The ones I've seen are so amateur-ish. :roll:
Could you post a Youtube video of someone who does the Anthem in ASL with flair and fluency? The ones I've seen are so amateur-ish. :roll:

Ive been trying. But it seems that the signed versions (the professional ones) has been removed due to copyright... hmmmmmmmmmmm
At the Superbowl, what are the odds the signers will be flanked by the military?