Deaf students seem excited to go back to school whereas hearing students don't


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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I remember back in my high school years I was always looking forward to go back to school in the fall. My hearing friends, on the other hand, were looking forward to the following summer.

Later on I realized it was because I didn't have a lot of hearing friends, and my deaf friends were scattered all over the state, so maybe that's why I was excited to go back to school and see my friends there again.

Have you ever felt that way before? Of course, I don't feel like that anymore. These days I'm always looking forward to getting paid...oh, and spending time with my girlfriend! :laugh2:
:lol: yea Alex -- i was the same way -- always looking forward to school start in the fall or going off to deaf camp all cuz my friends would be there

u right deafies often have friends scattered all across the state and later across the USA dang -- now i always look forward to spending time with my woman!!!! :D
Well, maybe you're asking the question at the wrong time. It's something we think psychologically. It's the same for the weather too.

During Winter, people suffer the long cold weather. They begin to wish that it was Summer. By the time Spring comes, they begin to feel better. Summer comes, they are happy. During Summer, they begin to suffer the long hot heated days. They begin to wish it was Winter.

Now, back to your issue... I'm like that too. During the school year, I feel a bit burnt out from all of those classes. That's when I begin to wish that it was over. By the time Summer Break comes, I'm happy and relieved. I'll take long naps and go out more often with my friends. By the end of Summer Break, I'm a bit pooped and bored cuz I've done everything and there's nothing else to do. That's when I begin to miss school.
Yeah. it is probably different for deafies in mainstreamed schools? I always counted down the days until the school was over. I never want to go to school for my "friends". blah. I can see them outside of the school... I dreaded the school because of the long hours being wasted. When i was younger in the elementary, I would get sick because psychogically I didn't want to go to school and being sick was my escape. I just hate school. There were sufficient amount of deaf classmates in the elementary, but for some reason I just hate going to school. And I would feel much better staying at home. I wished I was home-schooled but then I would be an entirely different person if I grew up home-schooled.

That ritual still apply today. I check off all "no school" days in my agenda book and memorized the dates. I know I have Jan 19th off from school, and Ceasar Chaez day off and spring break in March 13 to 21... see? Nobody I know has checked out when their spring break is.

I never miss school during the summer! God, NO! I would mop around that school was coming up in August and try to make the remaining of my summer the best. AND I AM EXCITED THAT MY SUMMER WILL COME EARLIER THAN USUAL- MAY!!!!! YESSSSSS [running amok]
Maybe I'm the odd one here...

I NEVER like to go to schools all of my lives !!!
Even a private school for the deaf, hearing school
and even NTID. I simply do NOT like being forced to
get up in the morning and go to these classrooms...
even though I enjoy classroom discussions.
Any kind of schedules and appointments
have always been extremely stressful for me.
Maybe there is something wrong with me... ugh ?
Many people assumed that I already got a Phd
or a Masters degree, but I don't !!

P.S. However, I LOVE "on-the-job training"
learn on the job more than anything else !!
Thats exactly where I learned and grew
with work experiences on my job in the field of
Internet Web Research Resources Strategy
working with over 5,000 engineers and researchers
(many of them already have Phd degrees).
I love any kind of one-to-one mentoring, too..
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I like school cuz I am smart lol........... also its an opportunity to meet new people and hang out with friends. My friends' family are usually strict and they cant go out without family. I like summer too......... its all fun either way. I do dread waking up early in the morning which is why as soon as I got in college I had all late afternoon classes :)
i had no plm with that, i didn t like school alot BUT i did like socializing! so going to school in later yrs was exciting but back then in mainstreams it was BLAH for me :)

Now im just now days looking forward to starting my work and plus seeing my babe :)
as right now, i notcied theres less excitement for deafies to go back to school after their break/weekend because of..

1. techonolgy- chat online and etcs.
2. pagers.

compare to 10 year ago while those techonolgy didnt exist that time. oh boy, they sure do went so crazy and want to go back to school for socialzing reasons!!!
I used to be like that.. always looked forward to going back to school because it would get very boring at home so I wanted to hang out with my friends but they all lived in different states :| Sometimes I wish it was summer so there would be no school but I remember I always looked forward to when school's over for the day to hang out and do stuff that's not school-related like boring homework lol ;)