Hi everyone!!
Its my first time to post.
I tried to find any different kind websites to find how many percent Deaf people are in jail in each states.
Help me out?
Unclear question. Do you mean the percentage of jail populations who are deaf?
The percentage of total deaf people in a state who are in jail?
Also, why are you asking?
I agree. Why would we care whether 10% or 75 % of prison population is deaf?
Hi everyone!!
Its my first time to post.
I tried to find any different kind websites to find how many percent Deaf people are in jail in each states.
Help me out?
first of all, please introduce yourself to us and why are you asking about deaf in prison.
Are those questions for your homework?
Please expand your questions. thank you.
This may or may not be true, but urban legend has it that judges don't like to send handicapped people to prison. However, since we have sentencing guidelines today it probably doesn't matter.
I wonder if ADA applies to prison?
I always found it interesting what the statistics were when it came to people in prison. (I'm left handed) I was told that 75% of people in prison are left handed. What percent does that 75% represent of the total population of lefties? There are more Theists in prison than Atheists. Did they take the survey before or after those people converted over because they felt bad for what they did. My personal favorite, developed countries have more criminals than underdeveloped ones. Do developed nations really attract a higher percentage of criminals or are they merely more capable of apprehending those prisoners. Statistics are meaningless when facts are involved.
Statistics are not meaningless. They simply need to be interpreted in context. BTW...where did you arrive at that 75%? You are attempting to assign cause and effect through descriptive statistics. That is your mistake.
The 75% is something my friend told me (doubt it's true). Also, I don't really believe they're meaningless per se but I do believe that people rely on them way too much. That's where our judgmental attitude comes from. We as people rarely try to include anomalies because we're so busy worrying about statistics that we forget to include those anomalies in the statistics themselves. It has been my experience that the general population has NO IDEA how to interpret stats and in ways, I would like them to be completely ignorant if they are simply going to manipulate the information for every fear they ever had.
I always found it interesting what the statistics were when it came to people in prison. (I'm left handed) I was told that 75% of people in prison are left handed. What percent does that 75% represent of the total population of lefties? There are more Theists in prison than Atheists. Did they take the survey before or after those people converted over because they felt bad for what they did. My personal favorite, developed countries have more criminals than underdeveloped ones. Do developed nations really attract a higher percentage of criminals or are they merely more capable of apprehending those prisoners. Statistics are meaningless when facts are involved.
Call each jail to find out? I'd like to know how many are out there.