Deaf & partially deaf forrum,kenya


New Member
Jan 30, 2014
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Here in kenya ,the partially deaf & deaf have not received the support they deserve.
Hi there!! Welcome to AD! How's things in Kenya? Whereabouts in Kenya are you from?
I am from India. We also have similar problems here where the deaf community do not receive any support. I know it's sad but thats how it is in most 3rd world countries!
Cheers mate...
:welcome: to AllDeaf Forum. I hope you have fun reading and posting here. See you around here. :wave:
I am from a rural town in Kenya called Eldoret.
I do hape that one day, the partially deaf will have their place in the society
Hi, I think I have heard of this place. Is Eldoret close to a lake? I would love to visit Kenya one day. I want to visit the Masai Mara reserve and travel around the country. I heard its a beautiful country.
Deaf people do have a place in the Society. The problem is the communication gap between normal people and the deaf community. We need to be pro-active and let others know that we exist.
I am from a rural town in Kenya called Eldoret.
I do hape that one day, the partially deaf will have their place in the society

I think you are referring to Hard Of Hearing (HOH). I hope you can stick around reading and posting here. You have been gone a long time since February, 2014. :wave: