Deaf In The Workforce

Morgan Husted

New Member
Apr 11, 2016
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hello! I am writing a paper for school about how being deaf effects your ability to find and keep a job. I was just curious if someone had a few minutes to answer a few questions for me. I don't need to know any personal information othe than your gender and age. If you could help me out in any way, reply to this post or shoot me an email. I really appreciate any help any one can give me. Thank you for your time :)
Age: Sex: Race: What is the longest you have been employed? How many jobs have you had since you were 18? How long were you at each of those jobs? What is the longest you have been unemployed?(Since entering the workforce) Did you actively look for work the entire time you were unemployed for the previous question? -If not, were you able to look for work the entire time? What methods do you use to find employment? Ex: cold apply, referral, temporary agency, ect. Do you feel like being deaf has an impact on your ability to find work? -If so how? -Could you provide an example? Do you believe there is something that could be done to make it easier for those who are deaf to find employment? -If so what could be done to help? Education level: -If you have a higher than high school education, have you noticed a difference in obtaining employment? Ex: is it easier or harder? Does it take more or less time to find employment? As a new employee have you felt like you were treated any differently than other new employees by management or your supervisor? Ex: more or less work? Or given easier or harder work? Please give detail. -If so were you treated more like other employees as time went on? As a new employee have you felt like you were treated any differently than other new employees by the other employees? Ex: excluded or overly included? Please give detail. -If so were you treated more like other employees as time went on? If there is anything that you think I am missing in this questionnaire regarding deafness and employment please tell me put it below your last answer. Thank you for your help.