Deaf Culture Leaves Hearing Parents On the Fringe


New Member
Mar 12, 2012
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I have a 10 year old deaf daughter. I work very hard to make sure that she goes to monthly events with other deaf or ASL learning persons in our community. I know that in the past there have been a number of parents of deaf children who have been very hurtful. But that isn't me. Why do I often feel like Parents of deaf children are on the outside fringe of deaf culture?
Do deaf people ever consider the trials that we parents go through?
From day one of discovering our child is deaf we are told we can't be sad or call our child disabled because deaf is a good thing. My child was 2 weeks old when Doctors and audiologists and speech therapists were a weekly part of my life and had lots of opinions and rules etc. When my daughter was 2 the school district got involved and then I had to deal with teachers and special bus people and a toddler who didn't co-operate. Never mind that I had 2 other children.
Now I have IEP meetings and 6 or more people who have ideas and opinions about what my daughter needs, wants, etc. Let alone what they want me to do with her at home.
I love my daughter. I think she is perfect. But I could use a break from all the other people standing behind her voicing their opinions making rules.
Then to top it off. I want MY PLACE in Deaf Culture. I want to be enveloped in understanding and compassion. I want to feel safe to vent my frustrations. I just want to feel like a part of the community and know that they have my back.
:wave:...welcome aboard!. Hope you find some Peace here on this Forum. We are here for you.