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Twenty seven and crunch time, I don't mean to make light of it, but that's hilarious. Trust me, crunch time is around thirty seven or thirty eight.

You're tall and that can be an advantage for a women, guys like tall women. Although it's a double edge sword, women don't like short guys, but it can work to your advantage.

Believe it or not, guys are not going to give you as much of a hard time with the hearing because communication is not priority one for them. So, you have an advantage there too.

As far as the date goes, deaf attract a lot of weirdos. Just try to be safe and take the cell phone; let people know were you are going, etc.

I have Meniere's too, but I've handled it through diet and exercise. I've had some crazy date and my accent is noticeable as well, but also had some good times.

Try some deaf sites. They didn't work out that great for me and there are a lot of scamers on there(I still get nigerian mail), but it can't hurt.
