Daniel Radcliffe suffer from his condition ("Harry Potter")

This is interesting.

I'm not surprised though because a lot of celebrities do have certain disorders that they hide from the public.
Oh wow....hope he'll be ok and finish up the movies to be made. I am not sure if that would be curable?
Oh wow....hope he'll be ok and finish up the movies to be made. I am not sure if that would be curable?
It's not affecting his role in the movies.

It only affects his learning and coordinating abilities. But it doesn't affect his acting abilities.

It's like Michael J. Fox. He has Parkinson's Disease. Even when he had it, he still acted on Spin City on television. :)
Oh, that's sad...but it's so upsetting that they pushed the movie back to July 2009!!!!! Augh!!
i am sure he will be alright
he is great actor and it didn't affect his acting in movies and etc..
i am sure he will get some help with his condition that he can get.
I thought it is just a mild learning disability that he has had from birth.

He was already compensating for it by the time he started to make movies.
Hmm, I noticed some movie stars have brain related problems....that's odd. Michael Fox for example....
Wow, I didn't know Daniel Radcliffe suffer from Dyspraxia.
Saw tv news.. >> Start with trouble tying his shoelaces! :(
Hmm, I noticed some movie stars have brain related problems....that's odd. Michael Fox for example....

... just like everyone else out there, "some people" have brain related problems. It's not odd. Being a movie star doesn't make you immune or genetically perfect.