Dance Party: Casket Optional


Jan 8, 2014
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Woman's funeral is eternal party - Video
**Warning this is a cnn link but they do show several deceased people at their funerals**

Reminds me of those bench statues like this:
Yeah have heard of strange funeral requests like that. There is a thread somewhere that there is a photo of a person on the motorcycle and is buried with it.
the latest is get spouse cremated and have ashes turned into a ring and wear it..
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeird and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawkwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard.... I wouldn't turn my spouse into a friggin' ring! :shock: Oh Mew, where did you get that LOVELY ring!? Oh, that's Rachel! :shock: :jaw:
not know which finger to put it on need lubricant get it on or off...somethings in life or death bastard never changed
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeird and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawkwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard.... I wouldn't turn my spouse into a friggin' ring! :shock: Oh Mew, where did you get that LOVELY ring!? Oh, that's Rachel! :shock: :jaw:

A teller that the bank I uses wear her some of her mother's ashes as a necklace. It had a small locket to put the ashes in. I heard about the rings made of people ashes, they been out for awhile now. The photo I posted was from ' Psycho' , that Norman Bates mother . He kept her in the basement .
ever heard of a woman eating her husband ashes! saw a clip of it once on a tv show "strangest addiction" or something like that on TLC
Ewwwww.... I saw a woman that was addicted to eating toilet paper but not the ashes one, how GROSS! :barf: I understand pica and everything, but that's .... I don't think that's classified as... I guess it could be classified as pica... but... I don't know... either way,... EWWWW!!!!
oh yeah! she wanted her husband to be near her or in her something like thst. i swesr this show is all weird and crazy but just funny and just crazy how these people go so far to do some weird stuff
Guess that's worse than Caz bringing up the other day about how people are turning their loved ones ashes into rings now.... :ugh:
Some people can be extreme in something like this...
Ewwwww.... I saw a woman that was addicted to eating toilet paper but not the ashes one, how GROSS! :barf: I understand pica and everything, but that's .... I don't think that's classified as... I guess it could be classified as pica... but... I don't know... either way,... EWWWW!!!!

I am not sure if really want know this answer to this but I hope she is at least eating the TP before it's used . I am going getting to :barf: if say the TP been used first.