d/hh with people with multiple disabilities


New Member
Jan 24, 2005
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i am wondering if any of you D/HH, have ever seen and/or worked with people with multiple disabilities. The reason why I am asking dhh ppl is that I feel that many dhh from deaf schools do not see people like me in real life.
rjr2006 said:
i am wondering if any of you D/HH, have ever seen and/or worked with people with multiple disabilities. The reason why I am asking dhh ppl is that I feel that many dhh from deaf schools do not see people like me in real life.

Yeah, I have a couple of friends with multiple disablities.
I have met some people, but not many. At our most recent hockey camp (AHIHA) we did have a deaf girl who had CP. I've also known a couple of deaf-blind people, mostly a result of Ushers.

As for those who are deaf and have psychological disabilities... Those numbers are numerous.
ayala920 said:
I have met some people, but not many. At our most recent hockey camp (AHIHA) we did have a deaf girl who had CP. I've also known a couple of deaf-blind people, mostly a result of Ushers.

As for those who are deaf and have psychological disabilities... Those numbers are numerous.
is that girl in wheelchair?
LuciaDisturbed said:
Yeah, I have a couple of friends with multiple disablities.
that's good and I am wondering if one of your friends with multiple disabilities are also deaf like me
rjr2006 said:
that's good and I am wondering if one of your friends with multiple disabilities are also deaf like me

Yes, I attended school with one of them, she is deaf with severe CP, uses a wheelchair.
rjr2006 said:
is that girl in wheelchair?

No, though she wasn't able to walk very steadily, and usually had to hold onto her mom, dad or whomever else happened to be nearby.
Actually deaf with multiple disabilites is somewhat common.....it's just that many of those who have multiple issues aren't exactly high functioning.
I have multiple disabilites....am hoh, low muscle tone, foot probs, learning disablity, and am kinda young for my age.
I had met all kinds of mulit .... couple deaf/blind lives about 3 blocks from me... once every month I go over to their house to do the checks on all their bills.. I eat lunch with them... they sure know how to cook good lunches...

SxyPorkie :hyper:
rjr2006 said:
i am wondering if any of you D/HH, have ever seen and/or worked with people with multiple disabilities. The reason why I am asking dhh ppl is that I feel that many dhh from deaf schools do not see people like me in real life.

I have a several Deaf friends who have CP and they can walk thou, MS (very severe) she no longer signs - only mouthing and bedridden, and some Deaf/Blind due to Usher's syndrome. A guy I met last year .. he is in his wheelchair due to the semi-quad. He was hit by the tree at his work (while raking the leave.) His co-worker hollered him to move but it was too late because he is deaf! Luckily his work company covers EVERYTHING - PCA, physical therapy etc etc .. He seems to be unhappy because he was an outgoing person before the accident -- hung out often to the bars, partying la la la etc etc. His life is not the same as before.
I am deafblind, and I do know some people I grew up with who are DHH, but have some disablities and they live in group home such as CP, emetional, DD. Other than that, I do have some DB friends as well.
I know two dwaf blind girls at my collage went to school with a deaf boy with CP. I'm deaf nd use a W/C so .....
Ive known several deafs with usher's syndrome, 1 or 2 deafs with CP, several with mental problems(depression & bipolar), a few with ADD/AHADD. It is common with deafies to have other disabilities of all kinds.