


Do any of you know where I can host .gif files? Imagestation only accepts .jpg files. Im interested in .gif files, since I do a lot of animations :) I'm in the process of doing things without Silencegold's help (he hosts my sig and used to host megladon's sig)

Any ideas wld be helpful :D
It's possible to use GIF images in Imagestation. First, rename the file from GIF to JPG on your computer. Next, upload it to Imagestation. It will work. Check my signature. That little animated elevator image, is a JPG file.
VamPyroX said:
It's possible to use GIF images in Imagestation. First, rename the file from GIF to JPG on your computer. Next, upload it to Imagestation. It will work. Check my signature. That little animated elevator image, is a JPG file.

Interesting.. I'll try that when I get home, as I am at work ;)