curious about ur states' law


Active Member
Mar 6, 2003
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wondering about each states since my friend was so furious with Colorado's grandparent's right law ... how sad is that !!!! Does ur state have grandparents' right law ?? so what are their rights ?
Originally posted by knightwolf68
wondering about each states since my friend was so furious with Colorado's grandparent's right law ... how sad is that !!!! Does ur state have grandparents' right law ?? so what are their rights ?

Is that about the custody battle of their grandchildren at the Family Court ?
KW68 -- can u please explain a bit abt that case -- id like to hear that

i would think in some states it would be based on a case by case basis -- the DC metro area does give custodial rights to the grandparents in the event of proven child abuse/neglect, homicide cases where the primary parent has been killed and the partner was found guilty and etc :dunno: i hadnt really read much in ref to this sort of laws with family court/juvenile services and the CPS policies on awarding custody to grandparents or other family members
Originally posted by Fly Free
KW68 -- can u please explain a bit abt that case -- id like to hear that

i would think in some states it would be based on a case by case basis -- the DC metro area does give custodial rights to the grandparents in the event of proven child abuse/neglect, homicide cases where the primary parent has been killed and the partner was found guilty and etc :dunno: i hadnt really read much in ref to this sort of laws with family court/juvenile services and the CPS policies on awarding custody to grandparents or other family members
all right but I am not going to name their real names but i had to change their name to something else okay ??? due to respect their own pravicy..

the mother shall be name as Dawn.... ok Dawn is a great lady to her own daugther eventhrough she isn't doing abused or drugs abused nothing at all... so anyway, one day dawn came down to her parents' house to pick up her daughter somehow dawn and her step mother got into agrue over something... and the step mother did took her arm over dawn's head and hold it right front of Dawn's daughter. that really scary for her to see these scenes. so Dawn decide not let her daughter visit the grandparent for awhile to get cool off term as well as Dawn is waiting for her to apology first .. somehow, the parents all sudden decide grab the lawyer to have custody as they suspect that Dawn was plan to move out of state with her daughter and they think that dawn is mental problems which isn't true .. so Dawn and her daughter move to new apartment which have two bedroom from one bedroom so that way her daughter can have her own bedroom and bathroom as Dawn want to teach her how to be responbility to take care etc ... so Dawn got summons to show up for custody courts ... so Dawn have been search the lawyer to accept her cases. most of them are expensive ! also, she even applied for legal aid case etc ... she got the last letter and couldn't understand what it talk about so she went to legal aid for help to understand .. so they did explain to her about court to show up and she doesn't need to show up because there is no stamp seal as real .. so she didn't go but it was bad time as next day dawn's parent show up with the police as court award gradnparent's custody ! and Dawn has been suffer through with these copes . plus the court order the visitor right one time a week at dawn's parent's house with the supervisor. eventhrough grandparents wouldn't go anywhere with them include dawn like go to park or store etc ... there is allot of things going on which i don't want to give out the full details ... for now Dawn just found her own lawyer ... so they are still in the battle ... I think it is so stupid !!!!
You can find more information about those stuff on engine search...

Type what you are looking for then it'll come up with several links you can read more about it.
Did the court provide an interpreter for Dawn ? If she does not understand what was going on at the court. She should call her State Disability of Law if she has no interpreter during the trial.

Grandparents can't remove her daughter from her home unless there is evidence of child abuse or negelect from Department Social Service. Dawn needs to find more witnesses like her friends, co-worker, neighbors to prove that she is a good mother.

She must have an attorney to representative her at the court. Have the Judge appoint an attorney for her if she does not have one.

I am not a lawyer but she needs to see an attorney to defense herself and her daughter.
Originally posted by Sabrina
Did the court provide an interpreter for Dawn ? If she does not understand what was going on at the court. She should call her State Disability of Law if she has no interpreter during the trial.

Grandparents can't remove her daughter from her home unless there is evidence of child abuse or negelect from Department Social Service. Dawn needs to find more witnesses like her friends, co-worker, neighbors to prove that she is a good mother.

She must have an attorney to representative her at the court. Have the Judge appoint an attorney for her if she does not have one.

I am not a lawyer but she needs to see an attorney to defense herself and her daughter.
yeah she finally got her own lawyer recently ...
Hrm... then she should be able to tell the judge what she experienced from her mom. :confused:
ahh intresting!!!!!!!!!1 I think to my knowledge if CPS wasn't involved and they tried to take dawn's daughter, theres no doubt that her daughter will be returned to dawn's custody cuz there's no evidence and it's all hearsay, BUT im glad dawn has a lawyer and i hope the lawyer has the common sense to make sure interpeter was provided.
OFC that lawyer already knew about interipter so they already arrange for that which is good !!
What state is that in?

What I am seeing is...Grandparents has no proof that Dawn has done anything wrong. Just words against her word. What I think she should do is find a lawyer and explain that Dawn's grandparents are trying to find an excuse to control Dawn by using her child as a leverage.

You need to find out what exactly are the Grandparents claiming in the courts to hold the custody. Prove those reasons wrong..and she can get her child back.

Here in Arkansas, only information that I know of why Grandparents can retain custody is when they ask for parental custody after a serious consquences of the grandparent's daughter/son.

Hope Dawn won't give up.
Well, from my experiences.. I have been gone thru many different courts.. because of 5 kids with (4 different fathers).. but one of those ex's mother who lives in South Dakota. Don't believe that ex did those what he did to me. She made threats that she will take two grandkids away from me because I just got court papers that Ex is no longer to have visitations and granted me full sole custody of my kids. But he still has to pay support. (he hasnt been paid for 8 years, till now he does).. I found out that South Dakota's law that grandparents have rights to take children in any conditions. So, I went back to court and to have it in written to prevent ex mother in law to take the kids.. The case is closed. but she still want to visit the kids *at* her place but refused meet or visit in MN or anywhere.. I feel not comfortable about this and sound strange "just at her place ONLY"... so i refused to have kids over at her place till my kids are old enough to how take care of themselves if their grandma is up in her sleeve..
I hope Dawn fight for that, I know Court is not easy to decide which is right thing for that!!
updates ...... Dawn's mother drop off the notes at her door as Dawn saw the notes and read and read the articles ... Know what Dawn's mother said ??? "pls read this articles " the Articles said " Parents can prevent from the abuction (sp?) " Dawn feel so offener by these comments ... so Dawn did call her lawyer about these situations...

I think Dawn's mother is doing so wrong to make things worse on Dawn know what i mean ?