Creating new resource for people who are HOH and deaf


New Member
Jun 20, 2015
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Hi everyone!

Great to stumble upon this community! I'm 23, living in Canada and hard-of-hearing from birth. I wear one hearing aid on my right ear. You can ask me anything, I am an open book.

I'm also creating an online resource for navigating the hearing aid/CI business system as a consumer and highlighting ways to deal with our ever-changing, personal hearing journeys. Here's what I have so far: It's part directory, part guide, part resource and I'm hoping to add more features to make it a hub space.

I'd like to link alldeaf, as well as many others, to it as a resource and hope to donate part of the proceeds to this website. Please let me know what you think of it, any suggestions, any criticism.

This is something I wish I could have had, I wish my parents could have had when learning about hearing loss. They relied on one referral and just followed what their doctor said. In this day and age, we can make better informed choices. We need a space that empowers us like alldeaf and provides a window into navigating a system that is controlled by a handful of companies and incentives that favours the audiologist more than us, the people.

Really looking forward to any feedback!


I'm from Canada, too! Welcome.

I'm interested in a Canadian online resource. There's very little out there from a Canadian perspective, which has made the journey into hearing loss harder than I would have expected. U.S. and U.K. based websites seem to have very active forums for HOH and d/Deaf people, but Canada...not so much. I haven't found anything yet.

Have you spoken with anyone from CHHA? I would think having them in your camp might be beneficial.

I'll check out your website later.

I just checked out your website. The "About Us" page was nicely done!!! I like what you've set up so far. I may have some thoughts to share with you. If you're interested, PM me.
