Court: Man put abortion pills in lover's yogurt


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Nov 7, 2005
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Court: Man put abortion pills in lover's yogurt
Swedish woman aborted pregnancy over tainted food fears

STOCKHOLM, Sweden - A Swedish court of appeal on Tuesday sentenced a 27-year-old man to 18 months in prison for trying to make his girlfriend miscarry by mixing abortion pills in her food.

The man, who was not named for legal reasons, had his jail term increased from a previous one-year sentence set by a district court in June.

In its ruling, the Court of Appeal for Western Sweden found the man guilty of aggravated assault for attempting to make his girlfriend of eight years miscarry by giving her a yogurt containing three ground-up pills. The sentence also included a more minor count of assault.

The court documents said the woman had decided to have the baby even though he felt he was not ready to be a father. The man ordered some pills on the Internet and fooled his doctor into prescribing others for another condition.

The woman ate the yogurt and suffered severe stomach pains and vaginal bleeding.

When she later realized what she had eaten, she decided to have an abortion, fearing that the fetus had been damaged by the pills.

The defendant's lawyer, Lars Boberg, said his client would most likely appeal the ruling.

Court: Man put abortion pills in lover's food - Europe -

:eek: Just how crazy can this get?
He should be out to jail for that. What if that abortion pill could have killed her. Some women I have read about have died from abortion pills or end up in serious health complaxtions. If she did died from it, it would be murder. Men like him need to be stopped. He got no right to do that to her.
damn what a real piece of work the guy is.
I can't believe this guy had a nerve.

That's one reason why I don't like abortion pills anyone can get their hands on those pills and abuse it stupidly.

I wish abortion pills were banned, seriously.
I can't believe this guy had a nerve.

That's one reason why I don't like abortion pills anyone can get their hands on those pills and abuse it stupidly.

I wish abortion pills were banned, seriously.

It is just one case of stupid guy doing the stupid thing thus all of us shouldn't be punished bec of that guy. I guess that guy is no worse than Adam ;)
If a guy ever do that me, I would kill him and have his ass in jail. He is a real piece of work. I hope he get what is coming to him.

How can ya put his ass in jail if ya killed him? :lol:

Oh, ya making sure if he suddenly resurrected?? :lol:
What a jerk!!! They also should arrest Doctor for sending to him. 18 mos isnt enuff. sigh!! Feel bad for this woman..
It is just one case of stupid guy doing the stupid thing thus all of us shouldn't be punished bec of that guy. I guess that guy is no worse than Adam ;)

I never liked abortion pills to begin with, not just because of this guy, don't assume.
I never liked abortion pills to begin with, not just because of this guy, don't assume.

I can't believe this guy had a nerve.

That's one reason why I don't like abortion pills anyone can get their hands on those pills and abuse it stupidly.

It s cool that you dont agree with abortion. Everyone should have a choice and right to have 'free will' :ty:
Ah, yes. One of those dumbass immature "father's rights" types.
Honestly, if you're not ready to be a father or a mother DON"T HAVE SEX! I gotta say guys like this should be sterilized!
:rofl: @ that guy! That guy should have talked with her about the abortion, instead of sneaking and trying to kill the baby, gosh!
How can ya put his ass in jail if ya killed him? :lol:

Oh, ya making sure if he suddenly resurrected?? :lol:

LOL, nah I can take him to court for that if a guy put abortion pill or any type of drugs in my food or drinks I can sue him. What if the pills he put in my drink or food could killed me or the baby that does lot of harm? But If I lose the baby and the guy did it on purpose, Then he better watch his back because italian families will come after him like a mob! Wink
What if the woman tricked him and told him that she was on the pill when she was in fact lying?
What if the woman tricked him and told him that she was on the pill when she was in fact lying?

That is a possibility, after all - the media doesn't cover every angles of the story.

We don't know if she was lying or not. Let's say, for argument's sake - If she was lying, then why would the article note the court documents shows the woman have decided to have the baby even though the father was not ready?

Since it takes two to tango - It happens. Unplanned or unwanted pregnancies happens but does that give the right for that man to do something so drastic like this? It doesn't. If the father did not want to have anything to do with his child, he could have always relinquished his parental rights.
That is a possibility, after all - the media doesn't cover every angles of the story.

We don't know if she was lying or not. Let's say, for argument's sake - If she was lying, then why would the article note the court documents shows the woman have decided to have the baby even though the father was not ready?

Since it takes two to tango - It happens. Unplanned or unwanted pregnancies happens but does that give the right for that man to do something so drastic like this? It doesn't. If the father did not want to have anything to do with his child, he could have always relinquished his parental rights.

Yep jo, I agree with you, there story on every side of two coins his and her story.