confused as HELL about being in love with a girl


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2003
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well not exactly about being in love. I've been through a lot of major crushes on girls since I first fell in love with a girl 15 years ago. However, I AM confused as hell about where a relationship with a particular girl is going. We are super close. Like we say " I love you" both in our letters and in public.(even my super close college friends and I don't say " I love you" ..when we were reunited this summer we were hugging for about an hour (I am very surprised I didn't run into someone who would have asked " Was that your girlfriend or something?) and while we were togehter we kept hugging like a lesbian couple. Like hugging each other every We just have a SUPER close vibe. There's also the fact that last year, she asked if I had a boyfriend or a girlfriend, and I kept catching her glancing at me when we were listneing to music. It's super confusing. Can two gay or lesbian chicks be super close friends without one of them falling for another?
It's not just me... a lot of my other friends have said that we seem VERY close. Where's the dividing line between super close friends and girlfriends?
I have a friend who I am close enough to that we say I love you, kiss on the lips, and will cuddle all night in bed but its just friendship neither of us want more... love comes in all forms. If you think there might be more to it, check it out. If not, enjoy what you have!
In my opinion, chemistry is chemistry. If it's there it's there and why not carpe diem. I've never been that close to anyone like that and not date. I personally cannot deal with that.

Have a chat about it and see what happens afterwards!