Communicating with Deaf Fiance While Driving


New Member
Feb 17, 2010
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My name is Karl, and my fiance is deaf. We take and enjoy many car (road) trips, and have decided to go full-time (live in a RV without a house). However, the RVs we are looking at, the passenger seat sits a bit back of the drivers seat, and she will not be able to see my lips (she is really good a lip reading) nor will I be able to turn my head enough (without driving up a telephone pole :shock:).

I am looking for a way to communicate with her while we are driving. Have thought of web camera with a monitor/laptop in front of her, but the camera does not capture enough frames to show correct lip movement. Also thought of speech to text, however I wonder how well that will work with road noise in the background.

Does anyone have any other ideas :hmm: or suggestions?

Thank you for your time.


I would think concentrating on the road would be best. Studies have shown that hearing drivers have more accidents when talking to passengers . Just make frequent stops if you need to converse.
Best not to converse much while ur radio, maybe she can watch tv or use a laptop....frequent stops are good....Save the convo for dinner!
Only thing I can think of is that you turn around and talk to her at red lights provided she pays attention to the light and lets you know when it's green right away. Don't know how safe this is, though.
Try this amazing piece of technology called "a mirror". It works for some.
Having lived in an RV for several years I can tell you that you should NOT try and communicate except when you are stopped. Many reasons, size is one, they are heavy and do not stop on a dime. They do not maneuver like a small car and on the highway and in town especially cars will cut in front of you when you least expect it. Even with hearing people it is difficult to convers in an RV due to distance between driver and passenger and general noise. Please read all the post above and take that advise and enjoy life. It's no fun to know you are responsible for someone's injuries and it happens all the time. No not to me, I was fortunate I in the 100's of thousands of miles I was on the highway but I have had some close ones. No longer drive a big rig. I was and am hard of hearing and wife was not. Just got CI and will get activated first of March. Enjoy life and hope all goes well.