Comming soon:


New Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Comming Soon: No doubt jamie will be posting a "Best Of" things that i say that make her laugh her ass off... Just figured i'd give her a thread to do it in. :)
Megladon said:
Comming Soon: No doubt jamie will be posting a "Best Of" things that i say that make her laugh her ass off... Just figured i'd give her a thread to do it in. :)

hmm i'm waiting.......;...........
DeafSCUBA98 said:
hmm i'm waiting.......;...........

You better be waiting all night, she better be in bed sleeping by now... If you post tonight jamie.... you may get a very cold wet shower while you sleep ;-)
:rofl: UR BAD DAYUM! jamie need beauty sleep to ward off all the trolls hehehehe... she'll find it eventually!
the best of...

bill being an ass..

1. Taco Bell Drive thru

After sitting for a good 30 seconds at the drive in, bill says "welcome to my car, how can you help me?"

2. Phones -

*phone rings*
Pete: yea?
Bill: Is Jamie home?
Pete: uh yeah do you want to talk to her?
Bill: yeah pete, i want to talk to jamie.

3.Wendy's drive thru

Cashier: do you want to biggie size it?
Bill: is it free?
Cashier: do you want to biggie size it?
Bill: is it free?
Cashier: $5.10 is your total.

Thats all for now.. more to come when I remember..