Commentary about Deaf people in a Working World

agree with that one was different between after and before ADA law. Some company already put deaf's application in #13 cabinet file. It is sad.
I think it is the attitudes on both sides of the table. Some Deafies think they are entitled to everything, demanding the employer to bend over backwards to accomodate their WANTS instead of their actual NEEDS. And because so many employers have had this kind of first impression on the Deaf community, they are reluctant to hire other deafs who might actually be the complete opposite.

Still other employers are afriad of a communication barrier. (Uh hello, deafies can write not just sign), and some Deafies having been turned down by so many previous employers that they give up the job hunt and instead find themselves drawing welfare because they feel deafeated in finding suitable employment.

I will say Kudos to the Deaf that have become successful buisness owners, and also have a combination deaf/hearing staff, employees throughout the company and everyone gets along, signing isnt required but is often suggested and encouraged to learn.

Kudos to the Deaf who have not allowed their Deafness to hinder the ability to live the lifestyle they have always dreamed of regardless of other people reactions.

And it is sad that company's that will use any exscuse not to hire somone because they are deaf, the file is already placed in the shredder and not given a second thought and the usual "A more qualified candidate has been selected' latter comes in the mail.

What would I like to do? Find a way to open more doors for the Deaf to be successful in the hearing world especially in areas where resources (and income) is limited.
I think it is the attitudes on both sides of the table. Some Deafies think they are entitled to everything, demanding the employer to bend over backwards to accomodate their WANTS instead of their actual NEEDS. And because so many employers have had this kind of first impression on the Deaf community, they are reluctant to hire other deafs who might actually be the complete opposite.

Still other employers are afriad of a communication barrier. (Uh hello, deafies can write not just sign), and some Deafies having been turned down by so many previous employers that they give up the job hunt and instead find themselves drawing welfare because they feel deafeated in finding suitable employment.

I will say Kudos to the Deaf that have become successful buisness owners, and also have a combination deaf/hearing staff, employees throughout the company and everyone gets along, signing isnt required but is often suggested and encouraged to learn.

Kudos to the Deaf who have not allowed their Deafness to hinder the ability to live the lifestyle they have always dreamed of regardless of other people reactions.

And it is sad that company's that will use any exscuse not to hire somone because they are deaf, the file is already placed in the shredder and not given a second thought and the usual "A more qualified candidate has been selected' latter comes in the mail.

What would I like to do? Find a way to open more doors for the Deaf to be successful in the hearing world especially in areas where resources (and income) is limited.

My husband says that he has known of that happening at his old jobs in the private sector. That was before he met me and my other deaf friends so he thought they did the right thing due to the communiation barrier and ignorance about deaf people being intelligent. He realizes how wrong he was.
I think it is the attitudes on both sides of the table. Some Deafies think they are entitled to everything, demanding the employer to bend over backwards to accomodate their WANTS instead of their actual NEEDS. And because so many employers have had this kind of first impression on the Deaf community, they are reluctant to hire other deafs who might actually be the complete opposite.

Still other employers are afriad of a communication barrier. (Uh hello, deafies can write not just sign), and some Deafies having been turned down by so many previous employers that they give up the job hunt and instead find themselves drawing welfare because they feel deafeated in finding suitable employment.

I will say Kudos to the Deaf that have become successful buisness owners, and also have a combination deaf/hearing staff, employees throughout the company and everyone gets along, signing isnt required but is often suggested and encouraged to learn.

Kudos to the Deaf who have not allowed their Deafness to hinder the ability to live the lifestyle they have always dreamed of regardless of other people reactions.

And it is sad that company's that will use any exscuse not to hire somone because they are deaf, the file is already placed in the shredder and not given a second thought and the usual "A more qualified candidate has been selected' latter comes in the mail.

What would I like to do? Find a way to open more doors for the Deaf to be successful in the hearing world especially in areas where resources (and income) is limited.
I agree.

I've seen some deaf people who are so stubborn that they refuse to use paper-&-pen... only interpreter. They go to meet with someone at work and the interpreter doesn't show up. However, that someone already has a back-up plan... paper-&-pen. Yet, the deaf person complains that this person fucked up and should have called for another interpreter instead.

I don't blame those employers who are paranoid. I have a friend who had a co-worker bitch at the company about not providing accommodations. She ended up spending most of her time researching on violations and not doing her job. As a result, she got fired. Of course, she tried to sue the company... but failed.
Laws has always made to be broken. What he described is true fact! Sometimes laws were create with good intention, but can have negative consequences. I, personally have seen enough abuses from deaf people who thinks they have the "rights" just because they are deaf. This is truly humilation for Deaf world.
That is my entire point that it is never good idea to keep making new laws, as they only complicates the problems.
in the working world, I almost never get an interpreter. I got this job without an interptet, all I did is bring paper and pen to interview with the manager and I got the job few days later. I don't think interpreter is necessary unless its a classroom lecture or something like that. if I'm communicating one to one, then its not really needed unless he/she wants to provide one. theres no need to force them to get one, unless a nice suggestion helps.