College language courses


New Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Hey, y'all, I'm Monica. I'm hard-of-hearing (ear-drums burst due to allergies, zero fun), and I have kind of a difficult question.

Right now, I'm taking the second German language course at my university, and I actually have plans to study abroad this summer. When I talked to my Disabilities contact for my school, she said, "oh, yeah, there's deaf people in Germany", for an OK for studying abroad. When I emailed her asking about technology (et cetera) within the realm of trying to learn German, she didn't respond. When I emailed the tutor assigned to my class and asked if he had any helpful hints for D/HH students, he just referred me back to the Disabilities department. It's pretty frustrating. If it was a written class, then I feel like I'd do fairly well, but it's not. To be honest, I was under the impression that they didn't offer ASL as a course, but I found out that they did in the middle of last semester. The reason of why I stuck with German was because it's ideal for my major. I'm majoring in History and minoring in Jewish Studies: within all this, I'll come across a ton of German, and I'd like to understand it. I've talked to my professor, of course, and she's been absolutely wonderful. I'd email her right now, but I don't want to sound repetitive (or too needy).

So! I guess my questions are ... Has anyone learned a foreign language? What helped you? Were there any technologies that helped you to learn languages? (I have hearing aids, but I'm still struggling.)