College Cafeteria Food


New Member
Jan 20, 2004
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I wonder does anyone like their college cafeteria food??

I really like my college's cafeteria food-they are good tasting.. I used to eat them almost everyday but now once in while when I have enough money. They really made good philly cheese steak sandwiches, fries, hamburgers, sandwiches, etc....
i did like my college cafe sometimes but i dont eat there very very much cos sometimes im tights on my bugets but i can buy some healthy foods, they has good health foods.. :D also what i hated the most abt my college cafe is they doesnt cooked right even through my friends got stomach poision, i dunno how or why. but my friends just got them.. :| that cafe need a grade for somewhat reasonble.
Doesn't like Cafeteria at college or university pretty quite yucky which isn't proprite cook... Prefer to go out at rst and to take out..
The cafeteria at the college where I work at is pretty good. There is a food court with separate food vendors. There is chinese food, Italian food, Mexican food, Hogi Yogi/Teriyaki Stix, etc... Not too bad!!! Most of the time I eat Chinese though!
The food we have here at RIT are alright. Some places have the best food and some have shitty food.

RIT's Nathams was awesome!!! It shut down few years ago.

Grace Watson... so so
RIT Cafe is not bad.
I forgot others.

I wish that Young Hae will inform to me about more new cafes.
I never like to eat any college or almost any fast foods. Home-made rocks all the way o:

Edit: Actually I should've not say until I taste RIT foods first whenever I start to attend there.
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Well I thought the food at UCSB was good... compared to my mother's cooking sometimes, I liked the options that were available to me... my mom is such a health-nut/ or a fad-follower, so I suffered years of food torture, so I was pretty content with the cafe food at college.

Besides there's lots to mix, if you don't find what you want. Sometimes I want some rice krispies, so I just get some rice kripsy cereal, mashmellows and pop them together in a bowl with a dash of butter and pop it in the microwave. Yummy.

But that was 5 years ago. I missed that. :)
The local Junior College I attended back in Santa Rosa, CA -- its cafeteria and its food were quite alright. They were edible and never gave me indigestion. :D
I prefer mom's yummy cooking over cafteria food. Mainly, I just bring lunch from home. It saves me money ;)
The cafeteria at the college in Knoxville, Tenn., where I used to attend before moving to Georgia had some real good foods. I do miss not eating their foods!

There is a good cafeteria located inside one of the major hospital in Rome, Ga., the foods there are really good since it is run by Morrison Healthcare Food Services, the company that once ran Morrison's Cafeteria before selling to Piccadilly Cafeteria (almost like of Luby's Cafeteria).