oh, don't get me started ..
I am pretty sure it is a standard practice for some stores to overcharge for obnoxious moneymaking
Because it was past 11 pm, the store was closing and everyone was pretty much rushing
me and my daughter were kinda bullied and stupefied at the checkout into hasty get out at Walmart.
At home we checked our bought stuff and compared it with the bill.
we were mad to discover they overcharged us close to 7 dollars!
One of the items we didn't want to wasn't taken off the bill, one we didn't even have was added to the bill,
one was rung twice by mistake (???)
Alas, once you take the cart out of the store you have no proof and you goose is cooked
Right circumstances, and you are easily duped into paying what you never ever should have!
Small change, like 5 - 10 cents here and there we are overcharged all the time, everywhere!
You are so right in demanding, Robin, that they return your money!