Cold, Sad, and Lonely?


Active Member
Jun 2, 2007
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Hilarious! I wouldn't mind wearing it if I were younger just for being unique and conversation starters.



Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, especially when it comes to fashion. What might look ultra-cool to one person might look like crap to the other and vice versa. But with the exception of a handful. There are just some designs that are so ridiculous, that they’re almost good. Almost.

Kind of like designer Si Chan‘s ‘Hug Me’ jacket, which features a row of clasped hands down the front that will ‘hug’ you every time you put it on. Chan explains that he designed the jacket to make the wearer feel ‘warm and hugged’, saying: “Everybody needs love, don’t they?” He also says that the hugging hands symbolize what humans use to ”express love” and “depart from loneliness.”

It’ll keep you warm, all right, but I doubt it’ll be able to make you feel loved at all. Chan has big plans for it too, as he plans to manufacture the jackets and then sell them for $1,200 each. (Now who would pay a thousand bucks for this? I wouldn’t even be willing to buy it for a hundred!)

Cold, Sad, and Lonely? The 'Hug Me' Jacket Would Be Ridiculously Perfect for You - OhGizmo!
Vivian West she is and was bizzare designer.Not sure what I think about this jacket not sure how functional it is,Those fingers have be put back into shape each time....not for me but it could take off I know people who would wear it
I think it would been cooler if one of the coat hangs could had been used as gloves to keep your own hands warn . You would not have to worry about keep losing your gloves all the time.
Vivian West she is and was bizzare designer.Not sure what I think about this jacket not sure how functional it is,Those fingers have be put back into shape each time....not for me but it could take off I know people who would wear it

I thought that
If they had different colors, it would be interesting. I personally don't care for green.
I don't like green. They should have colors for girls like purple, dark pink and light blue.
I don't like green. They should have colors for girls like purple, dark pink and light blue.

I am a woman and I end buying men winter coats b/c most women coats are pink or light blue . I like dark green but color green the hands coat is. I never like pastel colors , I think they're too boring.
don't think I be getting these clothes. designer got vivid imagination
Looks scary not sad and lonely lol more like alien jacket lol

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don't think I be getting these clothes. designer got vivid imagination

I wonder want he/she been smoking.

I bet the TSA would be all over person wearing a coat like this , they might end up taking the coat away it have something hidden in it.
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The guys wearing all that stuff have that same look. The thought balloon over their heads says something like this, " Oh the pain, I have sold myself for this humiliation".