Coke Overdose? Mom Drops After Drinking 10 Liters of Coca-Cola a Day


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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For all the debate recently about the relative health merits (or, really, complete lack thereof) of soft drinks, even the soda industry’s most ardent critics probably never expected this: A coroner in New Zealand has ruled that Coke, in fact, kills.

The verdict culminates an almost three-year investigation into the death of Natasha Harris, a 31-year-old mother of eight who lived in Invercargill on the South Island of New Zealand. As we previously reported, Harris supposedly drank more than two gallons—yes, gallons—of Coke a day.

Harris’ mother-in-law testified at the coroner’s inquest last year that Harris was a bona fide Coke fiend and that she would “go crazy if she ran out...she would get the shakes, withdrawal symptoms, be angry, on edge and snappy.”

Oh, and Harris also smoked upwards of 30 cigarettes a day.

Given that she was drinking the equivalent of more than two pounds of sugar seven days a week, it’s not surprising that Harris had to have a number of teeth removed. The whole case takes on an even creepier Rosemary’s Baby-meets-Big Gulp vibe when you consider that one of her kids was born without tooth enamel. (!!!)

Then, in a tragicomic end to her addiction, Harris was found “slumped on the toilet, gasping for air” in late February 2010 by her partner, Christopher Hodgkinson, according to Global Post. Her immediate cause of death was listed as cardiac arrhythmia, likely owing to her daily caffeine intake, which was twice the recommended limit. An autopsy revealed that Harris also had an enlarged liver riddled with fat deposits, symptomatic of excessive sugar consumption.

Coroner David Crerar concluded that, “when all the evidence is considered, were it not for the consumption of very large quantities of Coke by Natasha Harris, it is unlikely that she would have died when she died and how she died.” However, the coroner went to pains to absolve the drink maker itself: “Coca-Cola cannot be held responsible for the health of consumers who drink unhealthy quantities of the product...Natasha Harris knew, or ought of have known and recognized, the health hazard of her chosen diet and lifestyle.”

With a free pass like that, you wouldn’t think the company would feel the need to respond. But Coke is increasingly touchy about the growing clamor surrounding the public health consequences of mass overconsumption of its products, a debate that’s starting to sound a lot like the one about cigarettes a generation or so ago (to wit, see Mark Bittman’s recent column in The New York Times).

So…here’s what the company had to say about Crerar’s findings: “The Coroner acknowledged that he could not be certain what caused Ms Harris’ heart attack. Therefore we are disappointed that the Coroner has chosen to focus on the combination of Ms Harris’ excessive consumption of Coca-Cola, together with other health and lifestyle factors, as the probable cause of her death. This is contrary to the evidence that showed the experts could not agree on the most likely cause.”

To that, we’d just like to give this summary: Two gallons of Coke a day…teeth extraction…baby born with no tooth enamel. We think those facts speak for themselves.

Coke Overdose? Mom Drops After Drinking 10 Liters of Coca-Cola a Day - Yahoo! News
Here we go again. Someone abuses a "normal" food/drink item and dies and now they want to regulate that food/drink item. Come on, warning labels on our sodas now?
yeah i got really sick from drinking pepsi and coke too much in one day. I couldnt move for a few days after i struggle to drink water. I didnt tell anyone because i was not sure. I should have told them though.
Why do people drink soda?

Also, it's pretty expensive here. Thus they drink WAY less.
I prefer soda over water. I generally drink milk with meals.

I don't drink a lot of soda, some days I don't drink any.

When I get a soda at a fast-food place, I ask for a small. Unfortunately, some fast-food places have a different concept of small than I do and I end up with what I would consider a medium or large. I don't always finish my sodas because I just wanted it to wash down what I'm eating and I finish eating before I finish the soda.
I knew this guy "Bobby" that was a Coke and Nicotine addict...he drank Coke all day long and smoked 3 -4 packs of cigarettes a day....His brother told me that constantly all he could hear was Bobby "cracking ice" from the ice trays....He also said that Bobby's bowels would just run right thru his pants....and he had to change clothes several times a day.....

He died at age 45, very skinny guy. Very sad case....We don't drink that much Soda....I buy V8, orange juice and fruit juices, lemonade and tea. And always a big jug of cold water in the fridge, along with bottled water.
Oh! yes I have, with liquor mixes. i thought they were naughty...

I think Dr. Pepper is the best choice. Still nasty though. Didn't really experiment much with liquor mixes, as I'm not a big fan of liquor myself. Mostly beers/wine.
Come on, gimme a break. :lol: i saw your next post. Its better answer. Mines coke and ginger ale. Have you tried ginger ale??? Lol

Heh, I have tried the imported Chinese version of ginger ale once with my ex. She offered it to me and claimed it's way BETTER than typical cheap American one. I was fooled at first, because I thought she was seducing me... ale is an synonym for beer. But you are right... it is a soda, didn't think of that one.

I have to warn you, though, I'm not a fan of junk food. Maybe the only junk food I eat at fast food joints are ummm mostly fancy salad ones, without dressing. But that's it.

I used to drink ginger tea. Yoge (sp?) brand one.
We do drink Sprite, thinking it's better for you than Coke or Pepsi. and also 7UP....
We do drink Sprite, thinking it's better for you than Coke or Pepsi. and also 7UP....

Oh yeah.. I remember the time when my liver was fried up. During hospitalization, they gave me Sprite. It's supposed to be good thing, but i'm not sure... is it even considered a semi-soda??

Hmm, this is getting harder than I thought.
Oh yeah.. I remember the time when my liver was fried up. During hospitalization, they gave me Sprite. It's supposed to be good thing, but i'm not sure... is it even considered a semi-soda??

Hmm, this is getting harder than I thought.

Sprite is soda because they contain carbonated water.
i drink anything
well sort off, just not cheap wines, not cheap whiskeys, not cheap beers, cokes helps my nose against hayfever (seriously) but i have it in small moderation, i dont mix liquar, dont have any liquars, so but if i really good out to cocktail bars, i might have a mijoto, or a long island ice tea, or a midori /lemondae, or brandy/dry , had black and white russians beforre not into that cocktail scenes now. Im more into beer, wine and woody chardonnays or whisky for winters.
I wonder how much she weighed? I sure hope all of her kids don't drink coke in high volumes like she did.
very serious on overdose on health!! very not health!! not funny unbelieve it, serious very reading. serious increase your health worstly. awful Images!
Believe it or not people have died from drinking too much WATER. It's all about the dosage. Like with lithium, just the right amount can really help mental illnesses but a little too much will make you brain dead.
Believe it or not people have died from drinking too much WATER. It's all about the dosage. Like with lithium, just the right amount can really help mental illnesses but a little too much will make you brain dead.

Yes, it need have electrolyte (salt and sugar).
I thought I drank a lot of sodas......but 10 Litres? :ugh: