People with audist attitude do not get it yet.. I am waiting until time comes that will hit your face someday. Thats how I was being destroy for not who I am for many years after all I was forced to be a hearing child. That s totally wrong from audist attitude people who tried to destroy everythng that we have in our Deaf community/ Deaf schools/ ASL/ and many things that take away from d/Deaf children's best interest before think twice. In late age, I found my true identity that is very important for me that shows d/Deaf people are not that stupid and can do anything except hear..
TWO way street has never exist in this hearing world. So be it! Many people ignored our rights to freedom in ADA and many other things that we are not getting nowhere.
I am seeing things get worse and worse that has not solved the problem. So what the heck going on in ths society. For God s sake!!!!