cld anyone help me on how to use this TTY phone


New Member
Jul 28, 2008
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the more i try the more i get pissed off. wats so hard about using TTY? but i jus dun get it at all n its not working for me.
my fault for not learning how to use this service n its fones earlier. i followed all intrucstions in the manual, i dun noe wat im doin wrong but it rings then the other party hears this clicking nose n i see my signal light blinking but we cant establish a conversation n eventually hangs up coz we got pissed.
Pls help me? im a 1st tymer n have absolutely no idea how this work.:ty:
It depends on what the problem really is...

The light that's flashing is usually the sound that's coming out of the other end (aka "signal"). So, when a person is talking... that's sound and the light will flash.

In your case, does the person on the other end have a TTY? A TTY is needed on both ends in order for them to communicate with each other. If you want to talk to someone who doesn't have a TTY... from TTY to voice... then you need to use a relay service. I don't know about your area, but most places have their own relay services.

When you call someone with your TTY and they pick up the phone, they aren't going to know what they're hearing. If they hear nothing (or mild "clicking"), then they will likely hang up. If you call and then press the space bar 3 times every 5 seconds, that will give the other person a chance to hear the TTY sound and know that it's a person with a TTY on the phone. That will mean they need to get on a TTY and reply back to you. When they reply, it will start appearing on your TTY. From there, you can communicate using the usual GA and SK. :)

Remember, both of you need to have a TTY in order to communicate with each other. Does that person have a TTY?
:thanks for the info vampy.
so how do i find out that relay service thing... do i need to contact my telephone service provider and ask.. ive heard about the relay services thing... its no wonder my mate keep hearing clicking noises... on a normal fone.... and we kept wandering y it wasnt working. lol
so will i be able to use dat relay service to call mobile no. or m i restricted to landline only?>
:ty: alot for your help
im definately abit clearer now, will find out wat i need to do and how to use dat relay service

hope its easy.... lol,
I searched a Relay Service for Australia.

National Relay Service: Home

There is phone number if you click on "Call Option" then to "type and read".

I haven't used Relay Service in Australia perhaps other Aussie AllDeaf members could let you know which kind of relay service to use as there is different kind of relay service companies.
If you want to use the relay service -- dial 13 36 77 if you need to contact a hearing person. Just remember, if you want to let other end to talk, you need to press "GA" in the end then when the conversation finishes do a 'GA to SK'
IP Relay and TTY sucks, get a videophone.... but the service isn't available for Aussies ...yet
If you want to use the relay service -- dial 13 36 77 if you need to contact a hearing person. Just remember, if you want to let other end to talk, you need to press "GA" in the end then when the conversation finishes do a 'GA to SK'

so ill need to diaj dat no. in before i dial the phone no. right?
arghhh dis is confusing! dammit hahhaha
thanks for your help alot! i will give it a shot soon:ty:
You dial that number and the relay service will answer back... then you give a phone number of your friend or who you want to call when you are using TTY.

Remember GA is Go Ahead, SK is Stop Keying for good bye at the end of the call.
You dial that number and the relay service will answer back... then you give a phone number of your friend or who you want to call when you are using TTY.

Remember GA is Go Ahead, SK is Stop Keying for good bye at the end of the call.

Yes and here is the list of common abbreviations :)

Commonly Used TTY Abbreviations
Dial 13 36 77


"NRS.... NBR PLS GA" (GA means Go Ahead -- and it means it is your turn)

Dial your number what you wish to call -- I will pretend to call a friend..

02 (Make sure you enter the area code first!) 6284 8765 *whatever*

The service will automatically transfer to a relay officer *RO*

Then the RO will state their name then relay the whole call such as this below

Hello (F) GA (An female person has answered your call)

Hi, this is Pink studs. may I speak with John please GA

Sure, hold on a moment .... This is John Speaking, who am I speaking to? GA

....the conversation continues..... with the GAs in the end then when you are ready to say good bye and hang up here is how it works

"John, I gotta run, I have a meeting to attend so we'll talk later, bye for now GA to SK" (SK means signing off)

"Ok sure pink studs, have a lovely evening! Bye for now SK SK"

ok got it... hahhahaha feel like a total lostie now, actually gonna give it a go tonight...
thanks SG for looking up dat site for me... i saw the demo, it helped
not so as clueless now... thanks heaps u guys

oh guys will a mobile numder work?
Yes, directly from the TTY via the NRS, calling to a mobile phone will defintely work... it does work with these HipTop Mobile if you have one you can add the NRS onto the MSN messenger to call if are in a middle of an desert! :lol:
Yes, directly from the TTY via the NRS, calling to a mobile phone will defintely work... it does work with these HipTop Mobile if you have one you can add the NRS onto the MSN messenger to call if are in a middle of an desert! :lol:

What is NRS addy? I could add it to my MSN messenger on SK.
hahhaha ill keep dat in mind, thanks jclarke... i will be geting the HTC touch diamond soon... i think it should work there right?