Clark: Getting 'shot down in plane' doesn't make McCain qualified

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Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
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Jan 13, 2004
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Clark: Getting 'shot down in plane' doesn't make McCain qualified

(CNN) -- Retired U.S. Gen. Wesley Clark, a supporter of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, on Sunday questioned whether Sen. John McCain's military experience qualified him to be commander-in-chief.

Retired Gen. Wesley Clark, who ran for president in 2004, questioned John McCain's qualifications Sunday.

The McCain campaign called for Obama to condemn the remarks.

The dust-up began with Clark's appearance Sunday on CBS' "Face the Nation," where moderator Bob Schieffer asked him about his interview with the Huffington Post earlier this month.

In the interview, Clark said McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, was "untested and untried."

When Schieffer asked to explain the comment, Clark said he was referring to McCain's experience, or lack thereof, in setting national security policies and understanding the risk involved in such matters.

"I certainly honor his service as a prisoner of war. He was a hero to me and to hundreds of thousands and millions of others in the armed forces, as a prisoner of war. And he has traveled all over the world. But he hasn't held executive responsibility," said Clark, a former NATO commander who campaigned for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004.

"He hasn't been there and ordered the bombs to fall. He hasn't seen what it's like when diplomats come in and say, I don't know whether we're going to be able to get this point through or not," Clark said.

Schieffer noted that Obama did not have any of those experiences, nor had he "ridden in a fighter plane and gotten shot down."

"Well, I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president," Clark said.

In a statement released by the McCain campaign Sunday afternoon, retired Admiral Leighton "Snuffy" Smith criticized Clark's comment.

"If Barack Obama wants to question John McCain's service to his country, he should have the guts to do it himself and not hide behind his campaign surrogates," Smith said.

"If he expects the American people to believe his pledges about a new kind of politics, Barack Obama has a responsibility to condemn these attacks

Clark: Getting 'shot down in plane' doesn't make McCain qualified -

Retired U.S. General Wesley Clark support my POV at other thread that McCain's war experience/hero has nothing do with qulitifcation to be president.

McCain was a war hero like every US soliders who had been served in different places. His war hero doesn't mean to be qualitifcation to be president.
hahaha good ole' Clark. I like that guy. He's a good man and a true patriot.
Retired U.S. General Wesley Clark support my POV at other thread that McCain's war experience/hero has nothing do with qulitifcation to be president.

McCain was a war hero like every US soliders who had been served in different places. His war hero doesn't mean to be qualitifcation to be president.
Obviously you don't know the whole story about McCain's war service and captivity or you wouldn't make such a statement.

The most telling point in your post is "Clark support my POV". No matter how illogical, if someone supports your POV it must be true. :roll:
Obviously you don't know the whole story about McCain's war service and captivity or you wouldn't make such a statement.

Yes I have. :)

The most telling point in your post is "Clark support my POV". No matter how illogical, if someone supports your POV it must be true. :roll:

I would suggest you to visit google yourself if you think Clark and I are only two people who viewed McCain’s military experiences doesn't qualify him to be president then you will be surprise that many have the same POV as me and Clark including McCain over this.

military experience does qualify to be president? - Google-Suche

My co-workers joked: Many War veterans would jump to announce on Candidate for President if they know that military experience does qualify to be president. :lol:

Anyway, your support McCain also agrees with my view, too. He agreed with Clark's view over military experiences doesn't qualify to be president.

Clark spoke the truth and McCain agreed
McCain's military service: Character is a qualification | Midwest Voices

McCain: Gen. Clark Spoke Truth

McCain: Gen. Clark Spoke Truth

Do you still deny it?

As much as I admire and support people who serve in the military, I must say that not all military members are "heroes". I think the word "hero" gets used much too lightly these days.

Also, "getting shot down" doesn't prove heroism. It's what happens after being shot down. How a person reacts when captured, imprisoned, interrogated, and tortured shows whether or not someone has heroic character. When McCain turned down the Viet Cong offer to ease up on his treatment and possibly release him, he suffered even worse torture and treatment. He could have taken the "easy" way out but he didn't.
Yes I have. :)
I was trying to give you the benefit of doubt but I guess you just have a cold heart.

I would suggest you to visit google yourself if you think Clark and I are only two people who viewed McCain’s military experiences doesn't qualify him to be president then you will be surprise that many have the same POV as me and Clark including McCain over this.
I don't need Google to tell me that you and Clark aren't the only people who think alike. So what does that prove? You, Clark, and other people aren't necessarily "right" just because you think alike or can find what you want in Google.

Do you ever wonder how people researched and reasoned before the creation of Google?

My co-workers joked: Many War veterans would jump to announce on Candidate for President if they know that military experience does qualify to be president. :lol:
It's not the military experience by itself; it's the kind of service, and what happens during that time, and how the person reacts.

I think it's just as ridiculous to say that being married to a President qualifies someone for running for President.

It's also ridiculous to vote for someone just for their internet savvy, age, appearance, charm, or number of Youtube hits.

Do you still deny it?
Deny what? That you and Clark agree? No, I don't deny that. I also don't care.
:laugh2: too many zings, Reba :whip:
Clark: McCain A Hero, but Lacks Command Experience
Clark: McCain A Hero, But Lacks Command Experience
That headline is misleading. John McCain does have command experience. It's not wartime command experience, but it shows that he knows how to lead in the military. He actually did a very good job. The New York Times, of all rags, writes about it here:

P.O.W. to Power Broker, A Chapter Most Telling - New York Times

The way he reacted to his imprisonment and torture was nothing short of heroic. It shows that he has mental toughness and can handle extremely stressful situations. That's a very good trait for a president.

These things alone don't qualify him to be president, but they do help. I mean, my Eagle Scout doesn't qualify me for my work, but I still put it on my resume.

I really don't see the need to downplay Mr. McCain's military experience. I'm not a Barack Obama fan, but I'm not about to downplay his... uhh... hmmm... well... I'm sure he did something nice in Hawaii.
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