City Likely to Fire Manager Over Sex Change


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Mar 5, 2004
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City Likely to Fire Manager Over Sex Change

LARGO, Fla. (March 1) - The City Commission voted to begin the process of firing a top official less than a week after he announced plans to pursue a sex-change operation.

The 5-to-2 vote Tuesday started a three-step process to remove City Manager Steve Stanton from the job he's held for 14 years.

Stanton, 48, confirmed last week that he is a transsexual. With a solid reputation as a forceful and energetic leader, he had hoped to keep his $140,000-a-year job as he underwent the gender reassignment process.

"It's just painful to know seven days ago I was a good guy and now ... I have no integrity," Stanton told the commission. "My challenge here has always been that someday I was going to leave this organization. So I am going to do it with a smile on my face."

Stanton can appeal the decision, though his contract says he can be fired without cause at any time.

He will be placed on paid leave while the city begins the legal process to end his contract. The council must vote again to formally fire him.

Mayor Patricia Gerard and Commissioner Rodney Woods cast the dissenting votes.

"He's done a great job for us," Gerard said. "He's done what we asked him to do and taken the heat over and over and over again and now we're going to turn on him."

Commissioner Mary Gray Black said Stanton's surprise announcement last week "caused stress, turmoil, distraction and work disruption" among other city employees.

"I do not feel he has the integrity, nor the trust, nor the respect, nor the confidence to continue as the city manager of the city of Largo," said Black, who introduced a resolution to fire Stanton on Monday.

About 500 people attended the meeting. Dozens signed up to speak, some praising Stanton and others saying the exposure of his secret life undermined his ability to lead the city.

City officials say they have received hundreds of e-mails about Stanton's announcement, most calling for his removal.

Largo is a city of about 76,000 about 22 miles west of Tampa.
yea i read that earlier when i got a few mins to be on the compy -- i found that to be really stupid to be firing this guy just cuz he would be going thru a gender reassignment *smh*
Uh-oh. I can imagine the chaos and pandemonium already.

Ahh, I wouldn't want to be with a "fake" guy (female that changed to male) and vice versa, anyway. Eww!

(See how picky I get? Lol.)
I'm sure that the lawyers are going to take an interest in this issue even if its a contract that says without any cause?
Uh-oh. I can imagine the chaos and pandemonium already.

Ahh, I wouldn't want to be with a "fake" guy (female that changed to male) and vice versa, anyway. Eww!

(See how picky I get? Lol.)

Precisely, it's about all 'you' can do, imagine...also, I don't see anywhere in the article where it states that anyone is going to be with the person, it's only about working with the person...nothing more.

However, with this case, also, it's safe to assume that it's not commonly widespread or a known fact that there are such individuals managing public offices--it amazes me with how some people will quickly jump the gun and base their decisions on some personal modification (appearance, gender, etc.,)...and not basing it solely on the person's qualifications, skills and past accomplishments whereas it has greatly benefited the community. The point is...who are we to 'judge'? Just don't take away someone's work over the years and throw it all away based on a person's preference. Apparently, the community is judging the person...although, I can understand some of the reasons for not wanting to allow a person to continue due to a community's value or integrity, yet...that alone isn't a good enough reason to 'remove' someone from public office--in othe words, leave the 'judging' to the 'One' above.

There's no reason for the City Council to do this, except to punish the City Manager for being a transsexual. His/her gender will have NO impact on how s/he does his/her job. If the Council felt that the the City Manager deserved to be fired based on unsatisfactory job performance, that's one thing... but that's not what this is about. Ain't discrimination grand??
"I do not feel he has the integrity, nor the trust, nor the respect, nor the confidence to continue as the city manager of the city of Largo," said Black, who introduced a resolution to fire Stanton on Monday.

:wtf: and that is so plain friggin' :bsflag:

they just can't accept the change, but the City Manager is still the same person and the only difference is the freaking gender! How does the difference in gender affect the city? A missing wookie? Sheesh! Couldn't they just give him a chance and see how things go? Firing him is definitely a huge mistake. Freaking imbeciles.
I can understand how they might be uncomfortable with the situation at first but that's really of no impact to them. He hasn't done anything unlawful and the gender transformation doesn't impact his professional abilities. I hope there's legal action as this really does seem discriminatory to me.
That is so wrong! I agree with many of you about having nothing to do with his/her job performance.
Yes I'm agree with you what the situation is an imbecile. I see nothing wrong as long as he as manager follow his work rules but he choose to change his body is his business, not anyone including work place. What he did is not crime. It's really sad that the closed minded people label the people who choose to be different is abnormal.