Cities on light across the World on March 17th, Video is CC


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Feb 17, 2006
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International Human Peace Sign
Human Peace Sign
The internationally recognized symbol of peace which became hugely popular in the 1960's, is having an on going resurgence. Throughout the world, as part of the ongoing efforts of The Humanist Movement promoting non-violence, the 'Human Peace Sign' has emerged.Beginning in Budapest, Hungary, the symbolic act is being held in cities across the planet. On March 17, 2007 marking the fourth anniversary of the war in Iraq, these cities will unite, each forming their own human peace signs. These events will begin with a simple ceremony, sometimes accompanied with music and entertainment and then their lanterns/candles/torches will be lit and they will all stand together forming a giant peace sign. Humans from all walks of life, religious beliefs and races will symbolically join together, showing that their desire for peace comes from deep within their hearts. They believe we must open the lines of dialogue regarding any acts of war. The deaths of innocent people and the continual build up of the nuclear arsenal of any nation, is unacceptable.When viewed or photographed from above, the Human Peace Sign will twinkle in the night showing there are those who believe peace to be attainable.

World Peace Sign Movement
Peace Sign Toronto
On March 17, 2007, Peace Signs will form on every continent on Earth. Peace in London, Nairobi, Buenos Aires, New York, Prague, Santiago, Bombay, Bogota, Monrovia, Budapest. All over the world, people will gather to call for an end to violence, for an end to the invasions and occupations, for global nuclear disarmament, and for light to be ignited in the hearts and minds of all human beings. The Toronto Peace Sign will be part of the Day of Action to mark the anniversary of the war in Iraq. Together with the Toronto Coalition to Stop the War, and the Hiroshima Day Coalition, the Humanist Movement invites you to stand for peace. See pictures from around the world at Peace Sign Toronto - links