CIs, hearing restoration, oh my!


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Jan 30, 2009
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Well, I'm happy. And thrilled. I'm thrilled with my Unitron 360e. I'm thrilled with how things are going lately. Happier than I have been for quite awhile now. So much so that I'm going to wait and see what happens with all of the available technologies out there. I don't want to go into something as a guinea pig and find out that 1. it doesn't work for me, 2. it does more damage and harm than good. While I'm aware of the numerous benefits and helpful abilities that stem cells and CI can provide, neither are for me at this time because the jury is still out on the long term/short term benefits and drawbacks of both, even though one of them is FDA approved. Why? For me, my hearing is the best it has ever been.

I have enough good quality hearing aided that I don't want to make my situation worse. Recent audiograms have shown that I'm aided up to and around 15-10 dB with my new Unitron. I get all words and fantastic understanding with conversations in front and behind (and without having to lipread). It's much easier for me in noise as well. It's some of the best, clearest hearing I've ever had with a hearing aid, EVER.

What I want to do is wait and see what happens in terms of advancements in Stem Cells, CIs, and other upcoming technologies. I don't want to waste what could be my one chance for full hearing restoration on something that may provide 1. a marginal improvement, or 2. other issues, that, while extremely rare, can happen on the turn of a dice. I'm not willing to take that chance and probably could not live with the outcome if it turns bad. I'd like some assurance that these things won't happen to me if I decide to move forward with whatever technology I choose. Stem Cells as a technology, so far is in the lead and I'm going to be keeping an eye on the amazing advancements that continue to take place. When the time is right, I'll take the plunge myself.

So, I'll stick with the way I am. I'm happier than I have been for a long while and don't foresee having to change anything unless my hearing gets worse (God forbid).
Hi, can you share your recent audiograms? Hearing at 10-15db is amazing for your level of hearing loss. Have you also taken any recent speech comphrension tests? As for the long term risks of stem cells, the center that treated Chloe said stem cells is safe for long term. But I understand why you wish to wait a little longer. Stem cell technology will rapidly improve from there and more pioneers will have gone ahead. I might be one of those late pioneers. Im gathering as much information as I can find and am in touch with a few stem cell centers.

If stem cells fails to improve my hearing, all I lose is several thousand dollars. Ill deal with this and just make do with HAs while waiting a few years for better stem cell technology, gene technology or some other means of hearing restoration. It will only be a temporary setback which ill accept. Ill be sure to let everyone know if stem cells is successful for me, which ive been told I have a 90% chance of improving my hearing.
What I want to do is wait and see what happens in terms of advancements in Stem Cells, CIs, and other upcoming technologies. I don't want to waste what could be my one chance for full hearing restoration on something that may provide 1. a marginal improvement, or 2. other issues, that, while extremely rare, can happen on the turn of a dice.

The hole right now is the gap between the HL that conventional hearing instruments and cochlear implants implants can deliver.

Cochlear implants have the inherent issue of very few discrete output channels (12 to 22 electrodes). All sound must be duplicated with this points but can have very high stimulation levels.

Hearing instruments have continuous spectrum output. Therefore they can out 1034Hz, 1035Hz, and 1036Hz. Having the complete curve makes it the sound better and sound discrimination much better. But output is limited.

The newest technologies are acoustical implants that have very high output and continuous channels. As far as I am aware, every cochlear implant company either has an acoustical implant or is developing one (the end stages of development and if you search enough you might find that most of the companies have started clinical trials).


On a totally unrelated topic (I dont know where the old thread was and dont want to spend hour looking). You wanted a Frequency shifting Hearing Instrument. Never fear, they are on the way. From what I have been told, the algorithms/chipset have been developed that don't distort sounds as the shifting for loudness is done on harmonics and not primary frequencies. I may be able to hear one in January. I could have heard it next week, but I wasn't able to travel next week.

I have enough good quality hearing aided that I don't want to make my situation worse. Recent audiograms have shown that I'm aided up to and around 15-10 dB with my new Unitron. I get all words and fantastic understanding with conversations in front and behind (and without having to lipread). It's much easier for me in noise as well. It's some of the best, clearest hearing I've ever had with a hearing aid, EVER.


It's really great that you're having such good results with your new hearing aid. I'm really pleased for you, and I think you are right in waiting to see what developments the future can provide.
Glad that you found a good HAs for you! :D

I hope that technology advances in my lifetime. If not, I like thinking that my kids will have more options.
It is my understanding that ANY hearing aid OR Cochlear Implant DOESN'T RESTORE HEARING only assists one to to "understand speech etc". As for stem cells regeneration-a long way off while in the meantime one must live now. This advice was given to me over 20 years-- Canadian Hearing Society/Toronto-Hearing Help classes.

Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
DrPhil, why do you keep bringing up OLD posts? it's OLD stuff, why bring them all up again?
Yeah, what's up with that? If you want to discuss a topic create a new thread.
Surely the topic as such is still relevant today-correct?

Implant-Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07