So I posted last month about my daughter that was implanted at 18 months. Shes turning 11 & we no longer make her wear her processor. She has always disliked it but we felt pressured to make her wear it, go to speech therapy, etc. She will be now starting shortly at a School for the Deaf, Its what she wants & what we support, so just curious of theres any others that were implanted, but stopped using their prosessor? As I tell people, we chose to have her implanted & said when she got older she could make her own choices to wear it or not. Im open to opinions & discussions on this. What have been your experiences with having a CI? She had a classmate that refused to sign & her speech was well developed & told her mom she " wanted to go to a normal school and class" so she left the total communication class. I have mixed emotions on that. But thats her choice and i wish her & her family all the best. My daughter is the opposite. She prefers to sign. But we have faced much criticism for not making her wear her processor. She even had a revision when she was 6 cuz she wasnt talking & they thought her inner processor wasnt working cuz she would scream & cry when it was turned on. I feel so guilty for putting her through all of that finally i said enough is enough & asked her what she wanted. Sorry for the long post lol, i feel so isolated on this. It seems like so many implanted kids take to it & are mainstreamed & my husband & I are made to feel bad about having her 8k processor in a basket on her dresser...