I'm trying to think of some music that you can listen to and also pull the lyrics up on your computer that might be easier to understand. Have you ever used Youtube? You can listen to a lot of songs that way, and in another window google up the lyrics so you can listen along (and teach yourself the songs.) That's what I do with new singers/songs.
Some I can think of off the top of my head that might be easy to understand
Weird Al Yankovick (particularly his Amish Paradise song - its really easy to follow)
Some of the ABBA songs are pretty easy to follow (Mama Mia, Chiquitita, Fernando)
YMCA by the Villiage People
Every Breath You Take by Sting
The Mama's and the Papa's (California Dreaming, Monday Monday)
Some of Randy Travis's songs (If I didn't have you, Forever and Ever Amen, )
John Denver has a beautiful voice and it rises above his music, same goes for Josh Groban
Also - you can watch the music videos for a lot of songs and being able to lipread them as well as learn the songs can make it easier.
Hope some of this might help!