CI Activated today - need your advice please


New Member
May 4, 2011
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My Dad (age 67) had surgery on May 4th and his CI was activated today. After surgery we were told that due to his otosclerosis they could only attach 15/22 electrodes and that only one had responded at that time - essentially we would have to wait until activation and the subsequent mapping sessions to see what the outcome would be. At the activation session today, he can only hear shhhh sounds - what i mean is if you say How are you - he hears shh shh shh but can't distinguish the words or specific sounds at all - EVERYTHING sounds like shh shh (if you for example knock on the table beside him 3 times - he hears shh shh shh). Unfortunately I wasn't able to go with him today - my Mum went with him and so I missed out on the opportunity to ask the Audi what this really means. In your experience, is this a dreadful start and does the future outcome look poor? I know that it's a long process and that it will take many mapping sessions - perhaps my hopes for him were just too high too early? I would really appreciate your comments......thanks
I'm here hoping you guys learned sign language the past few years.

(Just let's watch the haters gonna come in here and hate on this comment.)
If he was just activated today, I think that's entirely way, way to early to make any impressions on the outcome. Give it time. I'm sure others with first-day-of-activation results will post here too. Come back and check on that.

I'm with PFH that I hope sign language was started as a form of communication. If he's deaf enough to qualify for a CI, then his level of hearing has deteriorated to the point that sign would be really helpful.
:) Not dreadful: some people just hear static, pops, and crackles initially and later understand words without difficulty.

Did your dad's audi give any indication of whether or not additional electrodes responded this time?
:) Not dreadful: some people just hear static, pops, and crackles initially and later understand words without difficulty.

Did your dad's audi give any indication of whether or not additional electrodes responded this time?

How long does it take to understand words? I ask because I would not want to be in the same situation if I did go for CI. I hope that he'll respond to words soon.
KCL: I guess your dad will require further mapping sessions which may alter what he hears with the Implant. Was this discussed prior to the operations-potential ear problems?
As each one of us are so different physical wise- very hard to advise anyone on these matters. I was older at operation and didn't have that problem.

Good luck and much success to your dad in these trying times.

Implanted Sunnybrook Advanced Bionics-Harmony activated Aug/07
Otosclerosis is a bad bet for CI. I am surprised they went ahead with that operation. Seems irresponsible.
I believe 4 electrodes have responded and he was able to tolerate up to Program 4 today but he hasn't noticed any difference in what he is hearing between the different programs. I know he is very disappointed even though he had low expectations going in. We just have to stay positive and hope that future mapping sessions yield better results. Thank you for your posts and kind advice.