p.s. learn how to spell, MORON
*shaking head in disgust*
You think you are the only one here who has lead a harsh life? GET A CLUE! Some of us just don't go around advertising our miserable pasts. And those of us who really have had it hard tend to have a little more compassion than what you are demonstrating. You can not blame a kids parents for a stupid choice they made. Just because a teen tries beer at a party does not mean that the parents screwed them up. Hell, my parents never drank and they certainly didn't encourage me to, but that didn't stop me. That's just one of those stupid things kids do, especially when they are pressured by their peers. Just because you are screwed up, doesn't mean that the rest of humanity is as well.
:bsflag: No morgue would allow children in to see bodies. Pictures, maybe, but not bodies. And even to show pictures, they would require permission from the family of the deceased.