Choking game..


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Horrible isn't it? children are dying because of this stupid game.
be vigilant, talk to your children about dangers of choking on purpose - it kills, it may lead to stroke, it's dangerous.
It shouldn't be played.

I mentioned in one of the threads that my daughter's friend died 2 weeks ago from the choking game. It is very horrible and scary to think what the kids are doing when the parents aren't looking. All we have to do for those who have children need to understand what choking game is and its very dangerous and hope for the best that they would use their heads not to do it.
I thought they mark the games as a warning label for children under whatever ages, so they don't get choke by any pieces that comes with the game?..
^Angel^ said:
I thought they mark the games as a warning label for children under whatever ages, so they don't get choke by any pieces that comes with the game?..

Audio is talking about kids that take deep breaths and hold onto their neck where they lack oxygen and get high for a few minutes.. It can be used by rope, belt, or a partner putting their arm around the neck..
This is from other thread about choking game

The boy went to school with my daughter and she knew him. Now, everybody is talking about this "game". I just felt that you, ADERS, should read this and be aware of this "game". Please talk to your child/children, niece, nephew, anybody you know about this.. and explain how dangerous it is.

It's a game with several names like suffocation roulette, the pass out game and black out. It's popular among young children because it gives them a 5 to 10 second high without using drugs, but it's deadly.

The family of Johnathan Kelly found out last week.

"I'm grieving my heart out," Darlene Kelly says. "I feel like a part of me has died."

Darlene Kelly found her son Johnathan hanging by a belt from the shower curtain rod in their bathroom. She says you could tell he was playing the passing out game by his position.

"He could have stood up," she says. "But because he passed out he choked after that."

Doctors say it as an asphyxiation game where they get a high from suffocating to the point of passing out. Johnathan's mom and dad talked with us because they don't want it to happen again.

Michael Kelly says, "We had not a clue that there was anything like this that existed. We just don't want anyone else to lay victim to this-an evil demented mind game."

Some children who also go to Madison Crossroads say it's a popular game, but most of the time it's played with more than one person. On the other hand, parents we talked with had never heard of it.

Michael Kelly says, "If they could see their child laying in a coffin like I have for 3 days they would investigate like we're going to."

Experts say there are a few warning signs you can look for: marks on shower curtain rods, bed posts, weight bars anything a child could hang from. Most importantly they suggest just talking to your children about the deadly game.
I don't know how to put picture of Jonathan in here but he's in Parenting: Read this.... if you want to check it out.. He was so adorable.. so cute! He'll be missed! :sad:
RebelGirl said:
Audio is talking about kids that take deep breaths and hold onto their neck where they lack oxygen and get high for a few minutes.. It can be used by rope, belt, or a partner putting their arm around the neck..

Oh, that's something new to me.....

I'm sorry for misunderstanding what this thread was about! :Oops:
Oh its okay, girl.. a lot of parents didn't know about this game either.. so you're not the only one. choking game is another word for Pass-out game.. if you have kids.. i would suggest you to read as much as you can about the choking game. Its soo popular right now... especally for kids and teens...
Really? :-o I'll be sure to look into that, Thanks for letting me know! :ily:
Yes, I heard about it. It is horrible. We need to tell the children about it and let them know it is dangerous game. They dont need to play that kind of game.
Thanks for your replies.

And for those who didn't knew what it is - please don't feel embarassed, and do not apologize because there is nothing to apologize for.

I myself learned about this from the media. It's shocking indeed what stupid ideas children have when we are not looking.
Is it me, or it IS harder and harder to be a parent nowadays?? what with drugs, sex, bullies, gangs, violence, now choking game, gosh.

I did talk to my daughter how dangerous it is- even make her watch a part of Dr Phil show about the young twin brother and a grief and guilt stricken mother whose brother/son hanged himself during this horrible game.

But I see I do need to apologize - I wasn't aware there was another thread about this already, and because sadly I don 't have enough time for everything I tend not to use searches - sorry.

(repost) but.. different Thread name.. there is other one like this.. "Passing out game" same as choking game..

they call Space Monkey......

I repeat what I say in post in other thread.. here..
Space Monkey

Sadly, I found out that our kids did it many times only at friends'-- like parties.. they refused to talk about it..


I am going to ask their friends' parents about it. :(
DoofusMama said:
(repost) but.. different Thread name.. there is other one like this.. "Passing out game" same as choking game..

they call Space Monkey......

I repeat what I say in post in other thread.. here..
Space Monkey

Sadly, I found out that our kids did it many times only at friends'-- like parties.. they refused to talk about it..


I am going to ask their friends' parents about it. :(

oh no.. i hope they stopped doing it... yeah its best you talk to their friends parents and find out more details. Hope they decided not to do it again.
>>Sadly, I found out that our kids did it many times only at friends'-- like parties.. they refused to talk about it..<<

Oh Gosh! how scary. well they don't have to talk- make them listen. show them articles, photographs of dead kids. Explain one boy died becaue when he lost consciousness his body limped, lost footing and he hung himself.

Tell them it's THEIR BODY, They are responsible for their body, If something happens to their body, only them will suffer consequences- NOT FRIENDS who talked them into doing it. NOT you. Not anybody else- just them.
Tell them not be afraid to say NO. actually the person who can said firmly NO to peer pressure is most respected.

Explain they are at danger of suffering stroke, They may end up with paralysed one side, limp lip, limp cheek, drooped eye, etc. How will they live like that. For the REST of their life..

I hope they did stopped, though.

good game

i think its a good game.!!!!it helps get rid of the dumb morrons. like i said we need more lions to eat stupid people...but stupid people who get rid of them selves are ever better.
vfr said:
i think its a good game.!!!!it helps get rid of the dumb morrons. like i said we need more lions to eat stupid people...but stupid people who get rid of them selves are ever better.

Oh right, like we need more 10 year old kids to die just because they weren't fully aware of the dangers surrounding these games.

I can see the logic in what you said... not. If you do really believe in this, then you are a insensitive monster who thrives on death. The majority of the participants are in fact... KIDS! I guess you'll be incredibly glad to see one of your children (or future children) die from a game like this.

What a shameful display of joy. I wouldn't be surprised if you end up begging for your life if a gun was pointed at your head while you easily condoned the others for dying due to their mistakes.
the game

by the age of 10 most kids have seen an average of 50,000 deaths on tv,videos ,games ect,ect, one was or another. think of many times has a 7 year old seen a power ranger kill 20 badguys?
they know death. hell i remeber watching 2 junkies die on the corner when i was 56,and since that day on i knew drugs were stupid.
if they do not know by 10,that choking bad...then you are looking at at kid whos future job for life is asking " you want fries with that?"

the 7 year old who lives in my house ,told a rollerblading gally undergrad to where a full face helmet if he was going to jump a grind a hand rail........the kid fell knocking out his front mr know it it all 7 said " i told you so!"
most kids are not stupid.......and the one who are ,are the ones you read about in the papers,getting killed ...or in the stupid criminal clips.
in any case...with world having close to 6 billion people.... we need less stupid ones.
release the lions!!!!