Chinese adoption programs frusturate me!


Dec 2, 2009
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Im totally in love with this little girl but am not eligible for Asian adoptions because I am a single 22 year old lesbian. Three strikes and im out I suppose. Grrr. Someone look into this sweetie!

Deaf / Hard of Hearing Adoption

ChildID / Name: Jillian
Birth Date: 10/16/2003
Location: Asia
Gender: Female

...Jillian is a bright little six year old. She is deaf in both ears. Currently she doesn’t use any formal sign language but communicates with body language and motions. She is very smart and picks up things very quickly. Jillian is always watching people and can imitate detailed motions very fast. Under the care of a loving family this child would really blossom.

Age range for adoptive parents: 30-55
Can single Parents adopt this child? No
Can same-sex couples adopt this child? No
Is it necessary to travel for this adoption? Yes
Is this a sibling group? No
Ethnicity: Asian
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It always seem that way to me. Healthy deaf child from Asian countries always seem to deny single parent as a candidate too. :-/ But if it was deaf child with other special needs then single parents are usually accepted. I found that to be a bit strange.

I thought about adopting deaf child in the future and so yeah that's why I noticed the pattern.

Yeah, that kid is cute.
marcy, i hope you are not giving up in the near future you would give it a try again. there is always hope, like next year the agency at the adoption program may forget about the past. this little girl is so adorable.
i remember hearing a while ago that china is now heavily restricting the adoption on Chinese kids to non-Chinese . have to take someone with a disability if you want to adopt an Asian child
They consider deaf a disability so still can get those kids. However the child must be severely disabled for a single to adopt. Im not giving up, i fully intend to adopt, just frusturated!
Aww she kinda looks like my gracie did when she was younger...sorta lol cute! I should tell graces parents to adopt her lol haha i think their 3 kids of their own and the ones they sponsor may be enough but you never know...:) Sucks you can't adopt her tho marcy hopefully that may change
there is another thread about Chinese adoptions. woman was describing how bus loads of new parents descend on an orphanage to get their kids. these parents are from all over the world all non-Chinese. probably why china got upset with their world image as an adoption factory. other asian countries had problems with babies being stolen and sold off to adoption agencies. i think it was like 2 years ago most asian countries started getting stricter.
They consider deaf a disability so still can get those kids. However the child must be severely disabled for a single to adopt. Im not giving up, i fully intend to adopt, just frusturated!

Are you SET on Chinese Adoption?? If not holler at me, I know some GREAT alternatives-- and yes they include deaf children, single parent and GLT adoptees.... ;)

But she is cute-- and I dont understand the 'no single' part... used to be China was ONE place a single mother could adopt from-- they have changed many rules and regulations since I started the 'adoption game'... and some for good reason...
Im waiting until I am a bit more stable but am always on the lookout for resources so hit me up! No im not stuck on oriental kids they actually dont usually catch my eye but she was just super cute!
Im waiting until I am a bit more stable but am always on the lookout for resources so hit me up! No im not stuck on oriental kids they actually dont usually catch my eye but she was just super cute!

Hey never to early to gather info... I was 15 when I decided to adopt, and 36 when it was finalized!! Lol PM me your location (that will give me some idea of resources.. AND it'll remind me to do this LOL) tomorrow I'll get ya the info... I'm on my phone and don't have access to it all.

And for what its worth... anyone who can honestly open their hearts to even consider adoption... pretty cool in my book! :)
eehh, China just fucks too much--> have too many babies, and I think the rules for Chinese adoption should be bit less stricter. At least it seems that those children are having a warm, loving family and a better life than living in an orphanage. I'm fine with single parents and homosexuals adopting. Geesh.