child's love life


New Member
Jan 26, 2005
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If your teenager son or daughter came home and introduced you his or her lover.

And that lover got a bad attitude or a drug addict or whatever the problem....

Would you get involve and tell your son or daughter that you don't want him or her to date that person?

Would you go to extreme..... like kick your kids and their lovers's azz and break them up and take your teenage son or daughter to church dating service for teens? Or what?
Kids like to prove they can do what they pretty damn please whether it makes sense or not, so direct opposition on the parent's part wouldn't be, IMO, a good idea.

gentle yet suggestive persuasion with over and over reassurance that the kid is ALWAYS welcomed back at a family house, with open arms, TLC awaiting, and lots of practical help- I belive it's the better way.

Strict dating guidelines should be set forth and the kids should know what is appropriate or not appropriate and explain why. Take the kids through town sometimes and quietly explain who is positive and who is negative then explain the bad signs of someone going to pull your kids into bad stuff and how to do resistance and say no & walk away to bad people etc. Explain the moral values and how to see them in another people then they will be able to make some better and more appropriate & positive decisions.
I was under an impression it was AFTER the fact, Heath - what would you do if your child brought home a lover and the lover turned out to be a druggie or something else unattractive.
I think it's a tad too late (or too early, depends) to set strict dating guidelines. The problem is on your hands, already...must deal with it first...

I said I wouldn't just forbide because it may backfire.


ps btw - "lover", yikes.. that's scary.
Oh sorry Miss P. You wanted more detailed answers, didn't you?

Would you get involve and tell your son or daughter that you don't want him or her to date that person

yes I would but I would do it in diplomatic way. Unless direct way of communicating is possible. I wouldn't want to risk my child supporting her lover simply because he/she's opposing me.

like kick your kids and their lovers's azz and break them up and take your teenage son or daughter to church dating service for teens?

As I've said breaking them up forcefully may backfire- may cause them seeying each other behind my back even more so, in spite of me, without realising this is not at all what they actually want to do- seeying each other.

Force church dating? oh no. Again, force may mean dull opposition.
I would try to do anything to steer my kid into the right direction.

Diplomacy and patience is very important.

My son always exicted to see me .. I give him a lot my love.. Since i had been with him since birth.. He is wonderful boy in my life...