childern of deaf and how to claim for disabilities check


New Member
Aug 4, 2007
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When getting a check for a disability does the child have to live with the deaf parent? Can the child be claimed to recieve a check for them if not live with deaf parent? anyone know answer to this? And can deaf parent claim child on taxes if they dont live with them? How to find out answer?
When getting a check for a disability does the child have to live with the deaf parent? Can the child be claimed to recieve a check for them if not live with deaf parent? anyone know answer to this? And can deaf parent claim child on taxes if they dont live with them? How to find out answer?

Hiya....does the child have a disability? Wouldn't the child need to have a disability to be receiving Sociail Security benefits (if that's what we are talking about here)?
no deaf children can claim for SSDI... But can claim for SSI..... SSDI.. the ones can claim if they did worked for more than 10 yrs...