Charlie Horses who gets em?

The Joker

New Member
Aug 22, 2014
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I get mine almost every morning. Is there anyway to stop them?
Water and salt, Get a daily suppliment. Sometimes youre lacking iodine and potassium.
Water is key. If you don't drink enough water, you get charlie horses. It really helps.
I used to get them almost daily...but dropped the salt, coke, and started drinking more water and ate a banana (or 1/2 of one) a day and have not had an issue in a very long time. :)
Bananas dont, and thats why I dont eat them, they give me the....well, you know where thats
I get mine almost every morning. Is there anyway to stop them?

what people said above.

muscle spasm is usually the result of severe dehydration. when you sleep for 8 hrs, it's a long time for a body to get dehydrated and hungry.
Bananas dont, and thats why I dont eat them, they give me the....well, you know where thats

That is interesting b/c bananas are part of the BRAT diet which is

bananas, rice, applesauce and toast . People are told to eat this when they have diarrhea b/c the foods are binding.
Used to suffer from RLS (restless leg syndrome) a lot when I was younger....kept me up all night long at times....Even resorted to beating my legs....trying to walk it off....exercising....finally the symptoms ceased, but I still do have them occasionally....and drink lots of water. It does seem to help me somewhat.
what people said above.

muscle spasm is usually the result of severe dehydration. when you sleep for 8 hrs, it's a long time for a body to get dehydrated and hungry.

No frigging win get good nights kip and body still clapped out. drop with tiredness or drop dehydration.Some frigging chose