Change in Federal Form Makes "Multiracial" Fastest Growing Group


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Apr 22, 2007
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Actress, comedienne, and producer Kim Wayans first decided to write stories about a fourth-grader called Amy Hodgepodge to provide her 38 multiracial nieces and nephews with a character they could relate to.

Amy Hodgepodge is part Japanese, African-American, Korean, and Caucasian – but not too mixed up about it.

"If your mom is white and dad is black, you should be able to embrace that and not have it be a problem," says Ms. Wayans, who is African-American. None of her nieces or nephews are confused about their identity, she adds, but rather the confusion lies in a society that won't let them use the word "multiracial" to describe themselves.

"The point is Amy Hodgepodge is the new American. We are all mixed and getting more so."

Recent demographic trends in the US suggest that might indeed be true. Nationally, the number of Americans who identify themselves as belonging to more than one race has gone up by 33 percent since 2000 -- the first time the option of checking more than one box for race was introduced in federal forms -- making them the fastest-growing demographic in the US.

Though their numbers are still small -- an estimated 5.2 million -- their rapid growth suggests an increasing acceptance of multiracialism in a country with traditionally rigid racial categories. In some states, bans on interracial marriages were lifted less than 50 years ago -- the last state to do so was Alabama in 2000, though the law hadn't been enforced in decades.

And the increased acceptance of multiracial backgrounds is reflected by -- and perhaps even promoted by -- changing survey and classification rules.

'This is the fastest-growing demographic group, and 'multiracial' is the term they prefer over all others," says Susan Graham,
executive director of Project RACE – "Reclassify All Children Equally" – a national organization supporting the movement for a multiracial classification and advocating on behalf of multiracial children. She says the category "other" as well as "mixed race" are both insults.

Change in Federal Form Makes 'Multiracial' Fastest Growing Group - ABC News
Well, I have a (white) cousin who's married to a Canadian Japanese woman and his (white) niece, my second cousin is married to a Mexican. I'm Scandinavian-American and my girlfriend is African-American and almost totally deaf. My cousin's other (white) niece has been married to an African-American man. She's had boyfriends of the same race, too. I met her husband and one of her boyfriends and I gotta tell you, they weren't bad looking and were both very polite. My girlfriend doesn't have the huge butt that a lot of black women have or top heavy, but there are white women that have a huge back end and are top heavy (cousin married to black guy is that way). Different strokes for different folks, right? ;)

Furthermore, if someone came up to me and slapped me alongside the head asking me what is wrong with me being with a black lady, I'd slap him back. I see nothing wrong with it and I even had a girlfriend when I was 14 that was black (her family was white).