Change from 420 to 419.99 because of sign thief


Active Member
Mar 12, 2007
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Thieves have been stealing the 420 mile marker sign so often, the state's transportation department has changed it to "419.99" in an effort to try and stop the problem.

A photo of the 419.99 mile marker sign, which is about 148 miles on Interstate 70 east of Denver, began circulating on twitter through the @JournalistsLike twitter account on Friday.

"So this is our way to test it out. So far it's working," said Amy Ford, a spokesperson with the Colorado Department of Transportation. "It's a traffic safety thing. It's a helpful thing to have these signs on the road. But people kept ripping them off."

The number 420 is often used as a reference to smoking marijuana.

The 419.99 sign has been put up within the last year Ford said.

Ford also says they've had problems with thieves stealing the 69 mile marker sign in the past.


Well... looks like, pothead create new small criminal :laugh2:
A town in our state, Harleyville, has the same problem with their signs.
Why would anyone want to steal those signs?
Why would anyone want to steal those signs?

Really? You don't know? I can give you an unconfirm on why steal signs:

• Make driver miss the exist
• turn sign into weapon
• alternative metal to use for their car repair
My city had some neat small markers on the sidewalk . They wear made of metal and had horse stamped on them . They stolen right out the sidewalks. I did think it would be cool to have one but never did steal one.
Or woman's cave. :cool2:

Not for mine if I ever get one. I can understand about them using as scraps of metal. Seems like a lot of trouble for a small piece of metal scrap or for a decoration.
Not for mine if I ever get one. I can understand about them using as scraps of metal. Seems like a lot of trouble for a small piece of metal scrap or for a decoration.

yeah i know. It's good for college stuff or bar. i dont need it to decorate it but i know some women like to have it.