Cesar Millan Under Investigation For Animal Cruelty

He's rude to the animals I know. Always pssssst. Psssssst. Pssssst!
About time - his methods are outdated, behaviorally inaccurate and inappropriate and inhumane. A dog trainer site I frequent had the Simon/pig episode <highlighted in the news story above> and discussed the video from a current and behaviorally accurate point of view <behaviorally mostly in terms of the dog in that video, not so much focusing on the pig, though the one pig was injured and the others frightened, just for entertainment purposes - as what he's doing has NOTHING to do with actual training> That story in the link above also has some misleading things in it. Milan calls himself a behaviorist but he has no actual knowledge of the scientific principles of behavior and learning, and the term "behaviorist" actually refers to someone who has Master's level study/experience and degree in animal behavior, which he does not. Once again - an inaccurate use of a term.

The poor dog in that episode learned that - pig chasing is -still - fun but can also be stressful and- that people can be scary <Milan purposely rolled/pushed him in the dangerous and stupid "alpha roll" which not an appropriate thing to do -ever. Especially with a panting, short-faced dog.
Simon did -NOT - learn to do anything differently regarding pigs.
That "pssst" thing is worthless unless you have an extremely shy dog who simply becomes frightened of the noise - but it doesn't give the dog any positive or constructive association, and purposely continuing to scare a shy dog is inhumane and inhibits learning.
I used to like him but the more I saw the more I realized he was just a bully.
:ty: Woody. I'm a trainer using positive reinforcement and behaviorally accurate methods.
Oh this guy...

Now, he seriously gets me worked up. His methods are so barbaric and flawed, it's unreal.

You shouldn't be using methods to install fear into a dog, EVER.

Follow Positive Reinforcement Training methods. You'll find you have a much happier and well-trained and rounded dog.

It doesn't surprise me one bit that this guy is being investigated, and I sincerely hope that he is prosecuted.