Care Hints for body and life.


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Feb 17, 2006
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To Get Rid of Garlic Breath
Eat a small bunch of fresh parsley. (Or drink a cup of black or green tea.)

Quick Fix for Dirty Hair
Soak a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and dab it against the roots of your hair. Massage scalp for three minutes and brush hair from the back forward. Or use Witch Hazel.

If You Have a Cold but Need to Attend a Meeting
Heat 2 glasses of cola (try to find a healthy kind) with 10 thick slices of fresh ginger. Add 2 tablespoons honey and the juice of a lemon and drink the mixture. (This recipe is very popular in Hong Kong.)

Lemon oil is an amazingly versatile ally for healing and beauty--used in hospitals to calm frightened or depressed patients and boosting the immune system by stimulating the production of white and red blood cells. It increases concentration (many Japanese banks use it to reduce worker error) and neutralizes unpleasant odors. And that’s just the beginning.

Cooling Mint Body Spray - Formula
It turns out that making your own body spray is really easy! Mint is a traditional cooler, and lemon adds some uplifting zing. You can keep it in the fridge for an extra blast of minty refreshment. It makes a great gift, too. Here’s the easy formula: (or just dab peppermint oil behind your ears)…..


1 cup vodka
Peel from 1 organic lemon
1/2 cup fresh mint leaves, shredded

1. Place all ingredients in a lidded jar and shake well. Allow to macerate for at least 3 days, shaking daily, then strain out solids and discard.

2. Place cologne in a spray bottle and use whenever you need a refreshing spritz.


For Damaged Hair

Blackstrap molasses is a great treatment for damaged hair. Massage some into your hair, cover with a towel or plastic bag, and allow it to remain on for as long as possible before rinsing.

For Dry Hair
Simply massage a mashed ripe avocado or some olive oil into your hair and allow it to remain on your hair for an hour (you can wrap your hair in a towel or a plastic bag, if you like) before shampooing as usual.

For Oily Hair
Add 1 teaspoon of Epsom salts to 1/2 cup of shampoo and shampoo as usual. You may increase the amount of Epsom salts a little at a time as needed.

For Dandruff
Massage some aloe vera into your scalp before washing.

Spa Cuisine: Zesty Lemon Detox Tea – Recipe

Enough freshly-boiled water to fill your teacup or mug
1 tablespoon real maple syrup
Freshly-squeezed juice of half a lemon
Cayenne pepper to taste

Spa Cuisine: End-of-Summer Smoothie – Recipe
1 ripe banana, peeled, sliced into coins and frozen
1/2 cup milk or soy milk
1/4 cup orange or apple juice
Maple syrup to taste
Nutmeg (garnish)
Whiz ingredients in blender until smooth. Serve in a glass with a sprinkle of nutmeg.

Soak your toothbrushes in straight household vinegar every two weeks.
Vinegar kills most molds, germs, and bacteria. Brushing your teeth with
Oregano Oil is the absolute best for your mouth.

After a lifetime of exposure to pollutants, we need antioxidant help. Try applying witch hazel to your skin: it is powerful. To my skin's great benefit I squeeze a lemon once a week and keep its juice in the refrigerator. In the morning, I dab some of the juice on my fingers and pat it onto my face, leave it on for ten minutes or so and then rinse. (or mix the two)

Simplest Astringent Ever
Just splash your face with warm or cool black tea and don’t rinse.

Baking soda works wonders because it neutralizes the odor of sweat. Just sprinkle a light covering of baking soda onto a damp washcloth. Pat on. Don’t rinse. This tip—just using baking soda—has saved me on many occasion, especially when traveling. It's the absolute BEST!!!!

Mosquito Bites
Use banana peel to take the itch out of mosquito bites.
Just rub the pulpy inside surface of the peel on the bite.

Mix baking soda with enough water to make a paste and apply to the bite.

A little rosemary placed under your pillow helps you to remember your dreams.

Cherish your visions; cherish your ideals; cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, for out of them will grow delightful conditions, all heavenly environment; of these if you but remain true to them, your world will at last be built.

The ancient Hindu system of Ayurveda can tell you which mantra is perfect for you. First, take the fun quiz to find out if you are an airy Vata, a fiery Pitta, or an earthy Kapha. Then see which mantra will help achieve your deepest purpose.

If you are a Vata, your mantra is Ram (pronounced “Rahm”). Its purpose is to help boost your immune system and alleviate fear and anxiety.

If you are a Pitta, your mantra is Shrim (pronounced “Shreem”). Its purpose is to promote general health and harmony.

If you are a Kapha, your mantra is Hum (pronounced “Hoom”). Its purpose is clearing and stimulating.
Thank you for share interesting thread here with us.

I like to use homemade mostly... example about bath, hair and face mask...
Thanks for the home remedy tips! Yeah I know, I'm a sucker for those home remedies - Hey at least it's a money saving tip ;) Otherwise, Keep 'em coming!