Canada’s Adorable Hitchhiking Robot Was Attacked In Philadelphia And It’s A National


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2014
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HitchBOT is an adorable, magical robot that has successfully hitchhiked across Canada and in Europe. It recently began its first U.S. trip.
HitchBOT tweets, Facebooks and Instagrams its travels. It relies on the kindness of strangers to pick it up and help it along its way. The robot can engage in basic conversation with people, with the goal of getting those it encounters to help it make its way to a specific destination.

HitchBOT was built by students and professors from McMaster, Ryerson and the University of Toronto, and successfully hitchhiked accross Canada last summer. It's also had successful trips in Germany and the Netherlands.


Recent posts on the robot's social media accounts revealed that its body had been damaged and the American trip had come to an end.

A message posted on the project's website said that "hitchBOT was vandalized overnight in Philadelphia."

An Associated Press report was even more specific and disconcerting:

The creators were sent an image of the vandalized robot Saturday but cannot track its location because the battery is dead. They said they don't know who destroyed it or why. But co-creator Frauke Zeller said many children who adored the robot are now heartbroken.

That's right, some monster(s) in Philly attacked hitchBOT. And now no one knows where it is.

(More in link)
maybe philadephia brotherly love not extend to robots it is great shame
Good...every one of those evil things must be destroyed..
The article was creepy.
Good for phlly!!
I agree , there was finally a cute story on the news and some jerks had to kill him .:(

You understand no one kilked anything. Thie thing wasnt alive, but one day when things like it are. They wont hesisitate to kill you.
Stop the madness now...
Dismemberment to all hichbots!!!!
Before its to late!!
This was a social experiment... kind of interesting that people still are not up for robots... guess terminator and jaws really messed with our heads...
This was a social experiment... kind of interesting that people still are not up for robots... guess terminator and jaws really messed with our heads...

It was more then an expirement.
More many more of these things and their ilk will come.
It was more then an expirement.
More many more of these things and their ilk will come.

While I agree corporations and government would want more out there... I do not see them taking off any time soon... at least in US...
This was a social experiment... kind of interesting that people still are not up for robots... guess terminator and jaws really messed with our heads...
It made it all the way across Canada and saw some of the US before meeting its demise. I wouldn't say it's robot distrust that ended its life, probably just some thieves who saw free hardware. Kind of like how hitchhikers end up with missing kidneys sometimes...

Wait... Jaws was a shark not a robot :roll:
It made it all the way across Canada and saw some of the US before meeting its demise. I wouldn't say it's robot distrust that ended its life, probably just some thieves who saw free hardware. Kind of like how hitchhikers end up with missing kidneys sometimes...

Wait... Jaws was a shark not a robot :roll:

Hmm... not sure about the free hardware aspect... but who knows it is hughly possible...
Yes jaws was a "shark" in a movie that was, in fact, a robot... and yet how many people will not swim in the ocean because of that show.... :/
Hmm... not sure about the free hardware aspect... but who knows it is hughly possible...
Yes jaws was a "shark" in a movie that was, in fact, a robot... and yet how many people will not swim in the ocean because of that show.... :/
Oh oh, I see, you were comparing Jaws to Terminator not because Jaws was a robot and it made people scared of robots, but because Jaws did scare people into fearing the ocean (duh on me).

Most people seem to respond well to robots though, look how many people picked up Hitchbot and gave him a ride before he ultimately met his doom. Most of those people wouldn't pick up another person if they were hitchhiking.

I think the real problem is that Hitchbot wasn't carrying a towel. No towel + hitchhiking = panic.
Oh oh, I see, you were comparing Jaws to Terminator not because Jaws was a robot and it made people scared of robots, but because Jaws did scare people into fearing the ocean (duh on me).

Most people seem to respond well to robots though, look how many people picked up Hitchbot and gave him a ride before he ultimately met his doom. Most of those people wouldn't pick up another person if they were hitchhiking.

I think the real problem is that Hitchbot wasn't carrying a towel. No towel + hitchhiking = panic.

Correct :)
I do not know about "most people"... I will pick up a hitch hiker... rare though I might, but would never pick up a robot... it is an intereating question though... robots and computers will end up taking up a lot more of the work force, what of the people that currently hold those jobs?
I do not like robots... they can be programmed and hacked...
Add that to me watching too much sci-fi and reading way too much... yep... I do not like robots lol

Add that to me watching too much sci-fi and reading way too much... yep... I do not like robots lol
I just hope we don't have robots just because they want to use them for service to people like we have hearing dogs, eye seeing dogs or service dogs for disabilities which people have different issues on their disabilities. Without the dogs, the robots might take over to serve the disable people or have household service in their homes. :(

I just don't like to have advanced technologies going on in our society. This is too much and we are getting lazy or not be able to socialized out in public.

I don't think I would go for Robots. :hmm: