I love NTID-----graduated with an AA in Applied Art in 1982. Now hopefully to go back to get a master's in TOD (teacher of the deaf) this fall. A great place, very nice teachers--sign for themselves. Back in 1982, they boosted my poor self esteem by being friendly, kind, caring, and helpful in all areas. Very modern accommodations now--has a deaf research, C-print (if u go to hearing classes), hearing aid and cochlear implant clinics (they are state of the art knowing what kind of hearing aid that would help you the best opposed to the hearing aid "specialists" that try to sell you a hearing aid without much knowledge which and what is the best for u., they bought mine back then, dunno about now) But I have a cochlear implant for 5 years but did not use it because there is no rehabiliation to help with such terrible issues about hearing for the first time and not wanting to wear it because it is so loud or strange to my brain. You only have to pay 1/3 of the tuition what it costs for the hearing student. Keep in mind, NTID is part of a hearing college---20,000 students but just about 1500 deaf students and they are separate from the hearing college in a further away location but in a walking distance. They have captioned large screen movies that are new and not yet video. I don't know what else to say, but take my word for it-----it is awesome.