Camp Intern Fired Over Lesbianism Talk


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Oct 6, 2003
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Camp Intern Fired Over Lesbianism Talk
Last Updated:
03-02-05 at 3:46PM

A 22-year-old intern at a San Diego County Office of Education outdoor camp program was fired after she discussed lesbianism with sixth grade students at the camp, according to school officials.

Jim Esterbrooks, a spokesman for the San Diego County Office of Education, said the intern at Camp Cuyamaca intervened when some of the students were calling one another lesbians. She explained that their behavior was inappropriate and then told them about her own first lesbian encounter.

"This type of discussion is clearly inappropriate to be happening in a classroom or in a school setting. It is something that should be happening in the home with parents," Esterbrooks said Wednesday.

He said the training for interns is specific.

"We advise them really clearly that everything they say and do with children needs to be appropriate," he said.

The name of the intern was not released.

The incident occurred on Feb. 17, and a letter dated Feb. 18 was sent to parents of students at Joan MacQueen Middle School who attended the camp. Esterbrooks said the school's principal planned to send another letter to parents this week because of media coverage of the incident.

The San Diego County Office of Education said it would review its training program.
yeah, but there's a difference between telling someone that you've been in a very close relationship with a same-sex partner, and talking about what you do in bed! I'm bi, and am open about friends know I've had girlfriends in the past, but I know they wouldn't want to hear details of what I've done in bed.
gnarlydorkette said:
Camp Intern Fired Over Lesbianism Talk
Last Updated:
03-02-05 at 3:46PM

A 22-year-old intern at a San Diego County Office of Education outdoor camp program was fired after she discussed lesbianism with sixth grade students at the camp, according to school officials.

Jim Esterbrooks, a spokesman for the San Diego County Office of Education, said the intern at Camp Cuyamaca intervened when some of the students were calling one another lesbians. She explained that their behavior was inappropriate and then told them about her own first lesbian encounter.

"This type of discussion is clearly inappropriate to be happening in a classroom or in a school setting. It is something that should be happening in the home with parents," Esterbrooks said Wednesday.

He said the training for interns is specific.

"We advise them really clearly that everything they say and do with children needs to be appropriate," he said.

The name of the intern was not released.

The incident occurred on Feb. 17, and a letter dated Feb. 18 was sent to parents of students at Joan MacQueen Middle School who attended the camp. Esterbrooks said the school's principal planned to send another letter to parents this week because of media coverage of the incident.

The San Diego County Office of Education said it would review its training program.
What did they do is right thing to do. I used to be a counselor/one-to-one specialist at two deaf schools and I refused to dive into these issues with students when asked. I usually refer them to talk to sociology teachers or certain professions.