C.A.N.D.L.E.S. museum


New Member
Sep 20, 2003
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OK. Time to get on my soapbox and give my $.02:

Here in Terre Haute, IN, there was once a museum for Holocaust survivors around the world -- the C.A.N.D.L.E.S. Holocaust Museum -- founded by two of the twins that were previous "children of Auschwitz" (the twins that were experimented on by Josef Mengele). One of the twins has since departed from this world [may she rest in peace], and the curator (named Eva) is a very wonderful person in town, having signed a declaration forgiving the Nazis for the Holocaust in 1995.

The museum....no more. :(

Last night, a hate-filled individual burned it down! It was about 1:00-ish in the morning. Most stuff was lost, never to be recovered again. Priceless items, obviously, that can never be recovered. Lost.

And to add complete insult to severe injury? Whomever did this spray-painted on the building a reminder of one of the much more (to some) worse things about Terre Haute:

"Remember Timmy McVeigh."

*sigh* Some people.

Soo....if you could, sometime tomorrow, please say a prayer for Eva, for her sister Miriam, for all those lost in all forms, to your loved ones....anyone, please.

*sigh* OK. My $.02 for the day.

The really disgusting thing about this is that it’s probably not even a hate crime. To truly "hate" somebody, you actually have to known something about them. I’ll bet that when they catch the person or persons who are responsible for this, it’s going to turn out to be one or two illiterate high school drop-outs who were hopped up on drugs and alcohol, and who have absolutely no real knowledge of the events surrounding World War II. For that matter (correct me if I’m wrong), I don’t remember ever hearing or reading that Tim McVeigh had any neo-Nazi affiliations.
this is one example of how poeple can justify hatred which is why now we never say HATE like liza's words in her sig " hate corrdoes the vessel that sails on." that rings SO true and i live by that as well!