Bush seeks billions for religious groups


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Apr 5, 2003
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Bush seeks billions for religious groups

NEW ORLEANS, United States (AFP) - US President George W. Bush (news - web sites) asked his Justice Department (news - web sites) to take steps to release some 3.7 billion dollars in federal monies aimed at helping religious charities, the White House said.

"At the President's direction, the Department of Justice (news - web sites) took action to finalize regulations that implement President Bush's policy of ending discrimination against faith-based charities in the Federal grants process," it said in a statement.

The move applies to 3.7 billion dollars, including programs to support victims of crime, the prevention of child victimization, and safe schools, the White House said.

Bush decided one year ago to implement by decree some elements of his controversial "faith-based initiative," which aims to steer funds to religious charities, eroding the traditional separation between church and state.

The program was part of the president's 2000 campaign platform, but the divided US Congress has yet to approve it.

Hoping to win momentum for the initiative, as well as court black voters who overwhelmingly backed his 2000 rival, Al Gore (news - web sites), Bush visited a New Orleans church he said would benefit from his plan.

"This country must not fear the influence of faith in the future of this country. We must welcome faith in order to make America a better place," said the president, who is a regular church-goer.
I start think Bush is "out of control" spender on our country.

Bush made our country spend lot of billions on War related to Iraq and Afghan.

Trip to Moon and Mars by 2015

Helping Marriage (costs lot of billion dollars)

Consider add tough laws for not allow gay and lesbians get married.

Cut on some decent programs to help people.

Consider help illegal immgrants join the program to get job. But Bush need think twice about medical program for spend on Illegal immgrants.

What wrong with President Bush for become "Out of control" spender??? :madfawk:
ugh ......

Church and State should stay separated ...PERIOD! George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would not have approved of that stunt Dumbya is pulling on us!

It's another WASTE of money that our SCHOOLS need! I'd rather have the tax money be better spent for HEALTH CARE, protecting the ENVIRONMENT, and our domestic needs.

Mars and the moon can WAIT until we get our domestic needs straight.

Giving the tax $ to religious groups is like an endorsement of a particular religion. America was founded on the principle of the separation between the Church and State and I would rather leave it that way.

Bush's actions is beginning to piss me off every day.

and let me say again.....the tax money should not be given to church-based groups. I would rather have "faith-neutral" groups like United Way, March of Dimes, etc. be the recipents of the $ and still keep within the Church and State separation of the Constitution...PERIOD!
Environment? That's Al Gore's idea. And Texas are against. Why? If Al Gore become president. Texas' corp will be hurt. limited chemical on cotton, melon, pepper, and anyother are necessary to keep in business. My father and my best friend's father are involed with that kind environment.
illustrator said:
it cannot be promise. It's up to Congress, silly sally.

Don't forgot about this year is Bush's fate. *Hint* Election Day!!! His bad-mouth in the media affect people's decision to vote who-who on Nov 2004.

I ain't going to give up for find more truths about Bush's dirty work. Donkey Rulez!!!
illustrator said:
Environment? That's Al Gore's idea. And Texas are against. Why? If Al Gore become president. Texas' corp will be hurt. limited chemical on cotton, melon, pepper, and anyother are necessary to keep in business. My father and my best friend's father are involed with that kind environment.

I recalled that Bush's doing lousy job in Texas during Governor term. He neglect smog in Houston and some area. Too late, Houston is another city for have difficult deal with heavy pollution. Bush need balance between pollution and stuffs that raise in Texas. Texas have to learn how to deal if Bush's huge lose this NOV!
Jeez... I wish he would back out! He's getting too involved with OUR money! No wonder why we are so deep in debt... cuz of his overspending of the money they don't have!
VamPyroX said:
Jeez... I wish he would back out! He's getting too involved with OUR money! No wonder why we are so deep in debt... cuz of his overspending of the money they don't have!

:werd: I agree with you VamPyroX......He just simply lost my vote! :cool:
Serouisly I think BUSH JR is immature and dumb in budget! I am tired of BUSH family already!
Lasza -- i totally agree with ur points u have mentioned previously!!!!

Vampy -- u got it right abt the overspending bullshit the Bush Jr Administration is doing :roll:

MizzDeaf -- YES YES hahaha i agree hes immature as hell :roll:

Bush has got to GO!!!! he has no place at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW -- come November i truly hope hes voted OUT of office and he can go to hell!!!
:werd: TO ALL OF U , I totally agree this time his money days spending is SO over and the future now relies on someone else BUSH GO BYE BYE hello new prez! STUPID BUSH is just a wannabe pleab that like to ooze poeple's rights and moneies!
VamPyroX said:
Jeez... I wish he would back out! He's getting too involved with OUR money! No wonder why we are so deep in debt... cuz of his overspending of the money they don't have!

Dont' be haste. Deaf who don't have job, just receiving SSI or any government fund shouldn't complain that.
Lasza said:
I recalled that Bush's doing lousy job in Texas during Governor term. He neglect smog in Houston and some area. Too late, Houston is another city for have difficult deal with heavy pollution. Bush need balance between pollution and stuffs that raise in Texas. Texas have to learn how to deal if Bush's huge lose this NOV!

That's untrue. Where the heck you get that information?
illustrator said:
Dont' be haste. Deaf who don't have job, just receiving SSI or any government fund shouldn't complain that.
You're right. He's giving us deafies SSI. However, it's not just deafies. Hearing people get SSI. Handicapped people get SSI. Many people get SSI. SSI is a specific type of income that's for the general population... only if they ask for it and are approved for it.

What I don't like is that he's setting up a new group, giving money to religious groups... trying to buy some votes from people who actually have a religion. In fact, the majority of the United States follows some kind of religion. With that, he's sure to be "buying votes."