Bufo Toad season can be dangerous for your pet


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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TAMPA, Fla. - A warning for pet owners about Bufo season - a giant toad in Florida so deadly it can kill your dog within minutes.

A lot of people new to the state may have never heard of it.

When the temperatures start to rise and we get those rainy afternoon showers – you can bet giant toads will be out.

They are referred to as a Bufo, Cane or Marine Toads. It ranges from 4 to 6 inches, weighing more than two pounds.

“The toads have large glands on both sides of their neck which are called porata glands. Those are the glands that make the poison,” said BluePearl Veterinarian John Gicking.

Often times, Gicking says dogs or cats will attack or play with the toad, which uses its poison as a defense mechanism.

“It causes their gums to be brick red in color, they salivate a lot, and if they're intoxicated enough they can even have seizures and have irregular heartbeats,” said Gicking.

The majority of cases can be treated by washing out your animal’s mouth; others need to be rushed to the vet immediately.

“I've seen a few dogs pass away,” said Gicking.

The toads are attracted to lights, water and food dishes left outside. The best thing you can do is bring those in, keep your dogs on a leash and be aware of what your pet is doing.

Bufo toads can also irritate human skin as well.
