BSL for Babies


New Member
Oct 1, 2009
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Hi all,

New to the forum, but won't be hiding in the shadows!

I've been looking recently for a book of BSL for my hearing 2 month old baby. Friends have said I should use Makaton, but I want her to learn something she can use later in life if she chooses to do so.

I've looked around for books, but most of the baby books are ASL - I guess due to the more simple nature of the signs.

So, a couple of questions;

1) Can anyone recomend a good book to start on
2) BSL for Dummies VS a BSL Dictionary ... any thoughts?

Hope you can help and welcome to me to the forum!

Sorry, I don't know anything about BSL.. I'm assuming you mean British Sign Language?

I think it is great you want to sign to your hearing baby (I just wish people feel the same way about deaf babies).
Yes, I am talking about British Sign Language.

I can't believe people wouldn't want to sign to their deaf baby?
anyway, I know there several people here are from UK. I hope they will be able to help you.
OK, hopefully they can.

The second question could go for any language though really.

Can you learn everything you need to know from a dictionary or is it best to have a guide aswell?

That might be a silly question - you can't learn how to speak french from a french dictionary - just french words.
Hey I am From UK and just got home from Deaf World... I had look through Solutions (catalouge by RNID) there is a "start to sign" package (visual (DVD or online) or Diagrams explainations) but it does not say if it's suitable for babies... I would Advise you to contact either RNID (Royal National Institute for the Deaf) or NDCS (National Deaf Childrens Society) They may point you to the right directions.

Brilliant, thanks.

I didn't want to get into a specific baby sign language, I really wanted just regular BSL. I'll get in touch with them, thanks for the info :)
"Start to sign" looks like an adult describing the signs... Not specifically Baby signs by the look of it. Won't hurt if you google it or look in online shopping on RNID.

learn bsl and just sign like D/deaf parents or any hearing parents(with brains) would to their D/deaf kids.

By the way:h5: your a great parent

The way everything is based on speech makes me:tears: